Zoom LeBron III Birthday Bundle, READ!

Kajiro820 good lookin on that link... :pimp:

AIM - NYCBaller34
Email - [email protected]
Dreams come true.. AND I didn't even have to pay....I knew I would keep that promise.. of not spending $250 on these dang shoes!!!

Didn't say someone else couldn't though.. lol
You know what Rolls Down Hill Don't You?
Who Will You Call When "They" Make More than You?
I got charged tax, and I picked 2 day shipping. I figure if they end up charging us shipping, I'd rather pay the extra 4 bucks to make sure they are here Friday rather than risking them taking until next week to come.
<-------- Hoos>Chokies
Everytime I try and ADD TO CART, it says "we are having problems connecting to the server. please try again"
is that happening for any of ya'll??
that happened to me. i closed everything and used the link up there and got in. props for the link
where should the website be bringing you after you chill in the waiting room and how long did you have have to stay in there for?
At times like this I wish I lived in a tax free state. I guess I would pay $225 for the package, but $244.35 is pushing it since it's just a shirt. If it was a nice jacket or sweater I'd have no problem paying that price...but a tee-shirt...
Anyone remember where they ship from. I dont buy online very much. I think I remember the Laser IV package coming out of Kentucky but Im not sure of that.....
I'm having a hard time thinking that these will gain you profit...I understand why last year's pairs sold well, because they were only $125 and limited to 500 pairs. But this year's pair are limited to 1000 and have the retail of $250, so I'm finding it hard to believe that these will sell for $300 plus on ebay. But who knows right?
Finally!!! Seems my issue with the "server problem" message was the size M belt. I changed it to L and it went right through. Weird. Took the ground shipping and hoping for the free upgrade and BONUS my gift card for the early online last week came right before I got through. WooHoo!!
Kevin Garnett fans need to click here...
Clean your cookies.

Try FireFox, and if it doesn't work... Try Internet Explorer.

"Meet the LeBrons" then look at the bottom to click on the feature, and you're there.

I got in.
[table][tr][td] Keep Your Hood Safe[/td] [/tr][tr][td]START SNITCHIN'[/td] [/tr][tr][td] E-mail: [email protected][/td] [td] AIM: S50H[/td] [/tr][/table]​
Definitely looking forward to seeing people's pics after they receive the package... the gold on the sole of the shoe better be 24K and the belt better not feel like a toy police badge wrap in gold tin foil for $250.

I can't believe how many people are buying this bundle for 1 pair yet only multiple pairs.
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