Recent content by mblackmon

  1. mblackmon

    So what's this about Cassie Steele being a bustdown?

    It be the girls with the pretty face and the the pretty rides. But what about they insides??!!?!!?   
  2. mblackmon

    Gif request...VOL: Bron Bron

    ^^^^noooooooooooooo I remember that "IN YO FACE TYLER!"
  3. mblackmon

    Wrestling Thread Mar 22-28 | 3/23 WWE NXT - Bryan/Tarver vs Young/Otunga

       Looks like a crappy makeup job to me. Especially by his lips. I've read elsewhere that since its bubba, nobody believes him. People think he's trying to work the internet, and doing a bad job at it
  4. mblackmon

    Post specific niketalk related Pics VOL. Ya'll remember these??

    binky barnessup my hats too bigtoo much
  5. mblackmon

    Wrestling Thread Mar 15-21 | 3/21 TNA Destination X - Styles vs Abyss | Angle vs Anderson

    maffew's probably gonna have fun with this one
  6. mblackmon

    Wrestling Thread Mar 15-21 | 3/21 TNA Destination X - Styles vs Abyss | Angle vs Anderson

    After Hogan got boo'd when he announced 6-sided ring was gone, they came out and told the audience that they're unpaid cast members and if they curse or react "incorrectly"(boo faces cheer heel, etc) they'd be kicked outwish i was joking   
  7. mblackmon

    Cavs at Bulls

    I'm sayin   
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