Recent content by tkay dot

  1. tkay dot

    IT Certifications?

    CCNA is some tough stuff. Studying for it right now. I can't even imagine what the CCNP and CCIE would be like. Anyone have any input on MSCE?
  2. tkay dot

    IT Certifications?

    CCNA is some tough stuff. Studying for it right now. I can't even imagine what the CCNP and CCIE would be like. Anyone have any input on MSCE?
  3. tkay dot

    NT - Identify this model

  4. tkay dot

    NT - Identify this model

  5. tkay dot

    Why is Marijuana Illegal? serious discussion

    Legalization of Marijuana would have devastating effects on several industries in America, the pharmaceutical industry being the most prevalent. As it is right now, pharmacology produces well over $600B in revenue in the US alone. You take all the drugs they've developed over the years to treat...
  6. tkay dot

    NT's Biggest Loser Weight Loss Contest Vol. Prizes!

    I just finished losin some weight, can i still submit pics to compete?
  7. tkay dot

    EA Blocks Multiplayer Mode On Used Games

    If EA profits off this: really though, this is bad news for those of us that depend on Used game sales for our gaming fix. Even worse for gamefly users, pay $20/month to try a game you're not sure you'll like to pay an extra $10 to confirm you don't like?
  8. tkay dot

    NT Law Experts, help!

    yeah, the complex i live on is slowly getting a bad reputation on campus for raising rent, imposing charges for stupid things like leaving your bike on your patio, having a very nosy maintenance staff and an incredibly unhelpful customer service. That combined with the fact that most students...
  9. tkay dot

    NT Law Experts, help!

    Its in my contract that I can sublease & transfer the lease. But only to other students (since it is student housing).  Also, way back in November they wanted to know if i'd be renewing my lease for another year, and if I was they would make my rent $775 instead of $810. but If i didnt sign the...
  10. tkay dot

    NT Law Experts, help!

    So heres the deal, I've been trying to sublease my apartment because the rent is too much for my student budget. A few days ago some kid msg's me on facebook that Ambling (the management company that runs the apt complex I live in) referred me as a potential roommate (they do individual...
  11. tkay dot

    NT Gym Heads...School me on becoming built

    Swim, no pressure what-so-ever on the joints and a full body workout with extra emphasis on the core. Either that or an elliptical/Arc Trainer... but not as stress-free + you'll be competing against broads for cardio machine time 
  12. tkay dot

    NT Gym Heads...School me on becoming built

    Honestly man, getting big is all about exercise until you get to the 10-12% body fat region, then that becomes all about how well you balance your diet with exercise and macronutrition (amount of protein vs. carbohydrates vs. fat). I used to be a fattie in high school until i got to college and...
  13. tkay dot

    Pickin up surfin! Vol. I got questions

    I went surfing for the first time last summer and I really enjoyed it. Bring PLENTY of sunscreen and drinking water. Contrary to popular belief it is extremely taxing on the body (As an athlete I burned out fairly quickly). Seasoned surfers get callouses on their chest / abdominal area from all...
  14. tkay dot

    NT check this out Vol. Crazy guitar skills

    So I'm and playing some Modern Warfare and one of my roommates friends starts playing his guitar like this: I thought it was
  15. tkay dot

    Yo NT, would you wife a fat chick knowing that she'd be smokin hot if she lost weight?

    damn, lots of ruthless beasts on NT
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