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  1. i am that dude

    All together now........Awwwwwww!!!!

    No it wasn't Rolaholic. And no your gimmick doesn't rile me up or amuse, but admit that's your goal and therefore you calling me a troll is beyond a pot calling the kettle. 
  2. i am that dude

    All together now........Awwwwwww!!!!

    So now I'm getting called a troll by Mr, "I just post things like this on here to rile you guys up and entertain myself." Comedy. But mainly people just mad because that whole I'm a DJ vote for me and I'll post pics of women thread got closed. Let's just kick back and listen to some music. Good...
  3. i am that dude

    All together now........Awwwwwww!!!!

    I get personally attacked all the time too and have never seen anyone get banned from it. I had threads dedicated just to attacking me. You got warned. They're not going to do anything to you. I was as shocked as you were though at just the warning. End of the day it's the internet. For a msg...
  4. i am that dude

    All together now........Awwwwwww!!!!

    Why are you guys crying? I just got off being banned 14 days for "gravedigging." Hopefully seeing this can provide a level of closure for all parties and we can now put any foolishness behind us and look forward to having a productive, positive relationship. I still don't get why so many people...
  5. i am that dude

    All together now........Awwwwwww!!!!

    Look at his swag on extra because he pulled a white one. the story would have a tragic ending though when her father found out [/spoiler] "When I said I date brothas, I really only meant ball players and entertainers." "See, it's like the intestines of the pig. You have to soak them in...
  6. i am that dude

    Rihanna allowing fans to feel up on her

    quoting to point out that you guys are running with a MediaTakeout story like it's Gospel. So what if they found 4 or 5 instances where it seems to be the case she was comfortable enough with the person, or maybe they are friends of hers, to let them get their hands dirty. To insuniate that is...
  7. i am that dude

    All together now........Awwwwwww!!!!

  8. i am that dude

    All together now........Awwwwwww!!!!

    even in the animal kingdom, black dudes prefer white women. SMH. I'm sure it's a perfectly nice orange and black tiger out there
  9. i am that dude

    When was the last time you thrown hands with someone?

    never been in a fight. Worst was in 5th grade over a game of pogs, I called "snatchies" which was a new call that had just came out in Pogs where you just get to grab them and win and it was over an 8ball or one of those premium type pogs. So Mike grabbed the other half of it and we were both...
  10. i am that dude


    use google. Just type in Niketalk then whatever term you want to search
  11. i am that dude

    Lebron Getting in a Summer Run

    He killed Boston and Chicago in the closing moments, or have all of you forgotten about that? In fact, he singlehandedly closed both of those series out on both ends of the ball. Ask Derrick Rose if LeBron is a closer, but make sure to only use very small words.
  12. i am that dude

    Lebron Getting in a Summer Run

    He killed Boston and Chicago in the closing moments, or have all of you forgotten about that? In fact, he singlehandedly closed both of those series out on both ends of the ball. Ask Derrick Rose if LeBron is a closer, but make sure to only use very small words.
  13. i am that dude

    Breastfeeding in public appreciation vol pics

    I could not locate the video for that gif, unfortunately. The stupid zookeeper movie has made it impossible as that's what most of your result will be (title was Gorilla owns zookeeper). However,to the topic at hand, I take no issue with breastfeeding or doing so in public. It is great for the...
  14. i am that dude

    Kris Humphries just killed planking. Its over, everyone can stop now

    Actually a plank is just a piece of wood. Those slaves in the photo are also on their backs. It's called planking because you are panomiming a plank. There's also an exercise with the same name, shown below. People think it's funny because you are laying down in a time and place not appropriate...
  15. i am that dude

    Kris Humphries just killed planking. Its over, everyone can stop now

    Actually a plank is just a piece of wood. Those slaves in the photo are also on their backs. It's called planking because you are panomiming a plank. There's also an exercise with the same name, shown below. People think it's funny because you are laying down in a time and place not appropriate...
  16. i am that dude

    Breastfeeding in public appreciation vol pics

    So breasts are a common topic of conversation of a board that is infiniti million dudes and like 7 females? Really? A topic already existed and rather than start a new one, I posted in the existing. I am sure that is what mods want us to do so as to avoid duplicates and taking up bandwith, but...
  17. i am that dude

    Breastfeeding in public appreciation vol pics

    Lots of breasts topics apparently. Yuku search has been clocking overtime. And if you look at post times, I didn't "gravedig" this thread.
  18. i am that dude

    Breastfeeding in public appreciation vol pics

    Yo, like grown $%+ men who have self image issues relating to their own looks and come to a board filled with 1,000,000s of other grown men to spill their soul and fish for compliments and reassurance.
  19. i am that dude

    Are You a Good Tipper? Vol - Gratuity

    Yes. Hell. you can rack up that much at a low priced casual restaurant like AppleBee's or TGIF. I scarcely drink so that's immaterial anyways. but who is to say this wine goes with this dish? What if I like a different combo? I don't eat out a great deal anyways. I find the whole tipping thing...
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