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  1. rell.hiphopupdate

    Where to Buy Mistics?

    drive to your local black neighborhood, on about every other corner there are small stores called CORNER STORES usually named in the format "______ Food& Liquor". in there, you will find your mYstics... get money....get paid lol
  2. rell.hiphopupdate

    Coming into class late UNAPPRECIATION!!!!

    wow, that is SMART, I never thought to do that I oveslept a little bit this past week and was late for me lecture class, ended up havin to climb over 3 ppl tofind a seat. Ive never had a prof. say anything about me being late tho
  3. rell.hiphopupdate

    HTC or Blackberry?

    My phone actually works perfectly w/o any hacks, although once I see the RAM startin to get used up I gotta do a soft reset, best phone I ever had handsdown....but like I said, never used a BB tho. I rarely ever have to go into the REAL WM tho since HTC hides it (for good reason) lol
  4. rell.hiphopupdate

    HTC or Blackberry?

    Never used a BBerry but i LOVE my Touch Pro, you can customize he HELL out of it, all WM phone matter a fact....idk if you know a bout or into custom ROMstho...
  5. rell.hiphopupdate

    How Often Do You Use " . . . " At The End Of Text?

    I use it ALL THE TIME, Im better off talking about how often i dont use it I use it to sorta imply that im expecting a response...or something idk... see^ that was gonna be the end of my message, I do it without thinkin lol
  6. rell.hiphopupdate

    Phrases You Hate/Overused Phrases

    so is "player", "pimp", and "hustler"..but do you hear them in every rap song anymore? nope. Its gon die as a corny"hip-hop" buzz word and go back to normal use
  7. rell.hiphopupdate

    Phrases You Hate/Overused Phrases

    co-sign, itll go the way of other commercial "hip-hop" buzz words soon enough though (see: playa, player, bling bling, pimp, pimpin, hustlin,hustler, etc.)
  8. rell.hiphopupdate

    Should I Open The Car Door For This Woman On The First Date?

    thats funny tho, im 20 n just started goin out witta 27 year old chick I open buldin doors for her all the time but never the car...we be in her car tho soooo... it aint exactly the same, I dont think I would though QUESTION: whatis "simpin" Im new to the board n tryn catch on to yall words
  9. rell.hiphopupdate

    NT What Kinda Cell Phone You Have? Vol. I Got A Nokia Wit Snake

    I love my touch Pro, I just have to soft reset every couple days to clear the RAM...
  10. rell.hiphopupdate

    Do you think Will Smith...........

    uhhhh yea Im a DJ. I was saying Will made himself as an actor he doesnt owe Jazz for making him an actor. If Jeezy became an oscar winning actor does he owe Drama his claim to fame? Will wouldnt have become an actor if he never became a rapper first. The Fresh Prince was his first acting...
  11. rell.hiphopupdate

    College Heads I need Your Help vol. Scheduling conflict

    gettin out early FTW, I always go that route you gotta wake up earlier but then you the rest of the day to sleep, and BS as much as you want when I went to a commuter school though I took all classes on tues and Thurs, that was the greatest schedule EVER, imma try and get that this year...
  12. rell.hiphopupdate

    Theme parks appreciation VOL. Great America

    was I the only one hella confused about the rides when they came in here? North of chicago we have SIX FLAGS Great America so I assumed thats what you weretalkin about lol. But I aint go to a theme park this year, though I actually worked up at SFGA last year at the American Eagle coaster...
  13. rell.hiphopupdate

    I just got kicked out of this girls crib by her 5'4 male roommate....DF????

    not that i care about a chick feet....but them boys are RUFF
  14. rell.hiphopupdate

    How much do you tip your barber?

    ZERO, my paid barber charged me 14, i used to throw him the $3 tip, but then he left and my new barber charge $17 soooooo no tip for him, he usually throw in amustache trim for free tho...
  15. rell.hiphopupdate

    LOL at the August "new" members....

    AYO! can I change my name!? I made this yuku account like 2 years ago aaaaand I really dont know why "hiphopupdate" is at the end of it
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