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  1. nomis7

    STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

    You're term shortcut seems very generalized. I take shortcuts every day. My protein shakes, my multivitamins and supps that I take to help me consume what I can't naturally consume on a day to day basis.
  2. nomis7

    STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

    Just curious to figure out the logic in the "fraud" claim. So you're a fraud if you take gear? You can pull any dude off the street and give him a solid cycle. Doesn't mean he'll be much more than he already was. You still have to put in the work.
  3. nomis7

    STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

    I don't know bout you but I can't get through a back workout without my straps. My grip gives out at the halfway mark of my workout like clockwork. My back is warmed up and my grip has left the building. I wouldnt be able to get a quality workout without em.
  4. nomis7

    Pantone 11s "Gift of Flight Pack" $500 - Dec. 23, 2014

    Got my pair in today and the XX9s are a great responsive shoe to play in. I was definitely surprised how well they perform. I usually ball in XIs. These XX9s are the real deal in my book. They still ugly though. Won't feel too bad tossing these. The Pantones are nice. Can't wait to break these...
  5. nomis7

    Pantone 11s "Gift of Flight Pack" $500 - Dec. 23, 2014

    I know, I know. I told him I'd make it up to him and he didn't understand.
  6. nomis7

    Pantone 11s "Gift of Flight Pack" $500 - Dec. 23, 2014

    Nephew is getting a no look pass on the XX9s from me. He's excited so that's cool. Going to be his first pair of Js also.
  7. nomis7

    Pantone 11s "Gift of Flight Pack" $500 - Dec. 23, 2014

    Nice. Wish I could have doubled up but got lucky with only one pack. These definitely went quicker than I expected. Couldn't get out the office to check those missed pick ups.
  8. nomis7

    Pantone 11s "Gift of Flight Pack" $500 - Dec. 23, 2014

    This thread picked up quick. New these were going to be out quick. I got lucky one last and final time for NDC for 2014. This time Danny Green did his pregame in the Caroline warm ups.
  9. nomis7

    Pantone 11s "Gift of Flight Pack" $500 - Dec. 23, 2014

    That bad? Not a complete swing and a miss. Anyways, just seein that this thread is nowhere near the size of the other 11s thread gives me hope come Tuesday. Hopefully it's a sign of guaranteed pairs.
  10. nomis7

    Pantone 11s "Gift of Flight Pack" $500 - Dec. 23, 2014

    Am I the only one buying this pack for the chuck at the birds in the tree while my car's parked underneath?
  11. nomis7

    Pantone 11s "Gift of Flight Pack" $500 - Dec. 23, 2014

    Clean pic. Tuesday here yet?
  12. nomis7

    Pantone 11s "Gift of Flight Pack" $500 - Dec. 23, 2014

    Good luck with those two. Just need one and I'm good. Hope it's not like this mornings release online. Was waiting two hours on NDC before I ciukd check out. Already mentally gave up.
  13. nomis7

    The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

    Two multiple OT games in a row, Duncan was for sure sitting out. Should be a some good experience for Belinelli and Joseph trying to guard Rondo and Ellis all game.
  14. nomis7

    The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

    If Kyrie would get his ish together he'd be some serious trouble. There's just not much balance there though. Curry is sick. Crack man Westbrook just don't quit. Wall is the man. CP3 can ball but something about him keeps me from liking him. Lillard is on his way.
  15. nomis7

    The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

    I said it! And what! Dame is good and looks better this year than last but he no clutch player yet. He gets some hot streaks for real but still needs some work on his D.
  16. nomis7

    The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

    It might help his case in being clutch if he can keep his team from getting SWEPT
  17. nomis7

    The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

    Sometimes with these close games it's like Manu is playing horse.
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