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  1. dylishis

    People giving your whip door dings UNAPPRECIATION.

    My best friend does that %%%$ to people's cars ALL the time. Somebody's gonna jump out the back seat on her %$+ one day. I'm gonna try toduck.
  2. dylishis

    Girls that play hard to get UNappreciation

    Are you trying to tell me something? What does that mean? There's plenty easy girls out there for y'all to be wasting time on chicks that are obviously not into you. Is it the thrill of the chase evenif your chase may or may not lead to nothing?! lol Talking about some "I'm tryna...
  3. dylishis

    Girls that play hard to get UNappreciation

    That's lame. If that's all you're after...perhaps you should find more suitable targets. If she's playing hard to get, why waste yourtime?
  4. dylishis

    'Swagger' from a fresh haircut vol. Swagger from a fresh haircut

    I was in Starbucks today and I kinda had this same thought. You know they wear hats...there's this really cute guy in there but he took off his hat and Iwas like ?????????!!??!??????????????? Put the hat back on, buddy. He really needed to do something with his head. A nice cut can make all the...
  5. dylishis

    Ever find an ugly bird attractive

    Well aren't you the loving husband. The nerve of that fluffy heffa for carrying your child.
  6. dylishis

    Ever find an ugly bird attractive

    What makes these girls ugly then if you find them attractive? Is it because no one else agrees with you?
  7. dylishis

    :::::: ENTOURAGE: "BERRIED ALIVE" 10:30pm ET ::::::

    How many episodes are there left in the season?
  8. dylishis

    :::::: ENTOURAGE: "BERRIED ALIVE" 10:30pm ET ::::::

    This Ari and Lloyd thing is tugging at the heart strings. I was all "" the whole time Ari was chewing Lloyd out.
  9. dylishis

    Next Day Air

    It was kinda funny at first but WTH w/ the ending? Like, seriously. How does everyone just die and nothing exciting happens after?
  10. dylishis


    Los mexicanos son ...uh... el wilin'-o!
  11. dylishis

    Random thoughts thread. Post some.

    What the hell with this 'ayo' mess? There's nothing remotely gay about anything you posted...minus the "No AYO."
  12. dylishis

    Your favorite NT moment.

    I haven't been here that long and my NT posting pattern is pretty irregular but that thread from about a week or 2 ago where old boy posted this girl'snumber and then y'all went and found his auntie's house and @$+%.
  13. dylishis

    Lil Mama Speaks.........Update on Pg.6 Diddy/Alicia Keys Reactions

    Seriously. As stupid as she was, she didn't mean any harm. And besides, I think she's pretty much done enough damage to herself a this point...
  14. dylishis

    Lil Mama Speaks.........Update on Pg.6 Diddy/Alicia Keys Reactions

    What a damn fool. Bless her heart.
  15. dylishis

    White Student Beaten On School Bus; CROWD CHEERS...

    Jeez, from the sounds of it this student could of easily became one of those kids that come in and shoot up the school Kids are stupid as hell. Damn animals. Kinda O/T but when I was in school (college...senior level major classes) there were some folks that used to constantly @%++ with...
  16. dylishis

    White Student Beaten On School Bus; CROWD CHEERS...

    Belleville? In Southern IL?
  17. dylishis

    Sooo... anyone watch Crash (the TV show)?

    I'm still the only person I know that watches this show! It's on Starz, not sure when it comes on though because I always catch it OnDemand. Season 2just started.
  18. dylishis

    :::::: ENTOURAGE: "SECURITY BRIEFS" 10:30pm ET ::::::

    Damn VMAs. This is the worst Entourage thread on NT ever. I come over here looking forward to the Entourage threads on Sunday nights because JJBersdon't care anymore. I like Entourage talk.
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