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  1. rudemiester

    Dating a chick with 4 children? vol. RUTHLESS Records in here; Hubble Telescope of rack included

    She's bringing something alright, THREE BABY DADDIES! DO NOT listen to this man of all people...
  2. rudemiester

    Mr. Feeny is getting old !

     How have I not made this connection over the course of the past 2 decades? Mid 20's but I feel so old 
  3. rudemiester

    Official Heat VS. Knicks Series Thread....Series Over...Knicks fans never learn....

    Just because Lebron was looking to set up his team mates more this game does not mean he was not playing "hard". *Raises pinky and twirls moustache* Well excuUuUuUse me! Bet you'd like to have one of those type of players on your team, si'?
  4. rudemiester

    gretzky ... vol 99 problems ...

    She's not doing anything in those pictures that we all haven't seen every chick do in pictures...
  5. rudemiester

    Official Heat VS. Knicks Series Thread....Series Over...Knicks fans never learn....

    I'm expecting the rivalry to pick back up and these dudes just come out and embarrass themselves. Believable.
  6. rudemiester

    Official Heat VS. Knicks Series Thread....Series Over...Knicks fans never learn....

    and LBJ wasn't even playing hard! The Knicks had chance after chance but just couldn't get a stop on D or consistency on O...
  7. rudemiester

    Official Heat VS. Knicks Series Thread....Series Over...Knicks fans never learn....

     Get'em. I hope LeBron sues the league and the Knicks in a few decades for that blatant assault they tried to carry out on him yesterday. I bet Mike Woodson was giving specific instructions on how to dismantle him to those talentless hacks on his team. Thank god the refs kept it professional and...
  8. rudemiester

    Official Heat VS. Knicks Series Thread....Series Over...Knicks fans never learn....

    +$* is Carmelo doing out there? I expected him to at least make it a series with how hot he's been recently but dude just fizzled out today. No Shump, no Rose. It's a shame that these pivotal pieces are unable to play now. Hopefully they can bounce back..
  9. rudemiester

    Official Heat VS. Knicks Series Thread....Series Over...Knicks fans never learn....

    NY is a money town. I know tons of people who are either die hards who have had season tix for years or businessmen who use the seats to entertain clients or they get rid of them/hand them down. My point was you can't compare MSG to anywhere because they've proven time and time again that they...
  10. rudemiester

    Official Heat VS. Knicks Series Thread....Series Over...Knicks fans never learn....

    What support? The fact that a professional team in North America has to "remind" its fans how to...oh, I don't a FAN speaks volumes. You seem to be one of the few who "gets" it so you should be smart enough to understand why others had a gripe.  All because fans of other teams can...
  11. rudemiester

    Official Heat VS. Knicks Series Thread....Series Over...Knicks fans never learn....

    Sooo averaging 20 & 9 vs the 6ers, 13 & 10 vs the Celtics, 23 & 8 vs the Bulls and 19 & 7 vs the Mavs means nothing? If every team averages around two superstars who Wade and James cancel out, having a reliable third man who can get you buckets every game doesnt make him an X-Factor?
  12. rudemiester

    Official Heat VS. Knicks Series Thread....Series Over...Knicks fans never learn....

    Dolan/MSG ain't stupid. You thought regular season prices were bad... I went to the Knicks and Nets games last week and on Sunday there was a handful of Heat fans visible in the garden but on Monday the entire Prudential center was in black jerseys rooting for the Heat. Knicks prices dont make...
  13. rudemiester

    Official Heat VS. Knicks Series Thread....Series Over...Knicks fans never learn....

    Well look what we have here. The Heat haters are back.  It's amusing how preoccupied opposing fans are with Miami's support of the Heat. It must hurt to know that you spend your hard earned money year in and year out to root for an organization that doesn't care about winning championships as...
  14. rudemiester

    When Lebron Returned

    Gladiator. Epic.
  15. rudemiester

    Can somebody photoshop this picture of me?

    It's not as funny when the OP fishes for it..
  16. rudemiester

    Wrestling Thread 4/30-5/6 | 5/3 Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Results Posted! p84

    Everything they did with him tonight was awesome. The promo explaining his rise was believable, the subtle shots at TNA were well placed and the things he said in the ring were just great. He fumbled over some of his words and he wasnt perfect on the mic but his whole thing just works right now...
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