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  1. d d t

    Official 2013 Boxing Thread: Year is over, please lock.

    I concur with this statement. I started last summer and train when I can, but I can honestly say it feels so good. At first I was very very stiff, but a few months into it I finally learned to relax and breathe properly. Happy to see other people giving the sport a try. I knew it was tough, but...
  2. d d t

    Ask an Associate working in Private Equity on Wall Street anything

    It's really up to you man, where do you see more growth? What would you enjoy doing more?
  3. d d t

    Ask an Associate working in Private Equity on Wall Street anything

    The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham Long read, but worth it
  4. d d t

    Twitter officially Submits S-1 for IPO

    I've never tried a simulation, but the way I learned was through reading anything and everything about investing....
  5. d d t

    Twitter officially Submits S-1 for IPO is a great resource for learning financial terms.
  6. d d t

    Official 2013 Boxing Thread: Year is over, please lock.

    Well you either get paid the big bucks or pennies.... There is no middle class as far as pay days go.
  7. d d t

    Official 2013 Boxing Thread: Year is over, please lock.

    That was a bomb man, I like how the mouth piece slides along the ropes, gives a theatrical effect. Lol
  8. d d t

    Official 2013 Boxing Thread: Year is over, please lock.

    Dedicate your life to the sport and you can do it.
  9. d d t

    Official 2013 Boxing Thread: Year is over, please lock.

    Lol mayweather knows canelo is starving..... Trying to make him hold his belt to test if the hunger has gotten to him.... So official Floyd=150.5 Canelo=152
  10. d d t

    Ask an Associate working in Private Equity on Wall Street anything

    So nice that we have people on this forum that share the same aspirations. @ridingonlorenzos Keep doing what you're doing man and get that CFA. If people tell you you're over exerting yourself, work harder. No room for negativity, give this a listen Go get em man!
  11. d d t

    Ask an Associate working in Private Equity on Wall Street anything

    Moomoo looking at what you said, looks like you just want more out of your position. Working for the govt is not a bad gig, hold onto it and see what they offer you after you graduate. 1 year into the position if you don't like it, then move on. I'm in a similar position as you... But I've...
  12. d d t

    Official 2013 Boxing Thread: Year is over, please lock.

    Try sho time sports online.
  13. d d t

    Ask an Associate working in Private Equity on Wall Street anything

    First and foremost I would build up your emergency fund. This fund should be able to cover at least 6 months of expenses. While you're building that get yourself up to speed on various investment vehicles for retirement such as IRAs.
  14. d d t

    Ask an Associate working in Private Equity on Wall Street anything

    x2 soleasian the day you wake up and say I don't want to go to work is the day you quit to explore other opportunities
  15. d d t

    Official 2013 Boxing Thread: Year is over, please lock.

    Garcia will need to fight a perfect fight
  16. d d t

    LC on south beach 9s

    Damn you going to ball in em?
  17. d d t

    Twitter officially Submits S-1 for IPO

    @yeah great job on not jumping into something without doing your due diligence. And most definitely start building your portfolio at a young age, because: 1. You have time to recover if things go south 2. Compounding interest is your friend.
  18. d d t

    Official 2013 Boxing Thread: Year is over, please lock.

    Think Garcia can hold on for 12 rounds?
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