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  1. 011781

    Adidas NMD thread

    after in-store, Packer had 1 left shoe and 3 rights for sale..... don't be fooled by this "online release"
  2. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    this dude is unpredictable... for him to come on stage and act a complete fool wouldnt have been out of the question
  3. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Who is this guy dressed up like Trump, sounding like a reasonable person?
  4. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    So now maybe we get some actual policies... Im still trying to figure what year of greatness hes taking us back to... that question was never asked or addressed
  5. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    thats the dream these uneducated voters got sold... Trump bringing back the ice cream parlors, drive in movies, and door to door milk service
  6. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Clinton gonna have Trump knocked off... she beyond tight right now
  7. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    he's gonna get them back to work by reopening all the factories outsourced overseas and kick out all the illegals who steal their labor jobs... he got these people thinking the railroads coming back to town, coal mines reopening, and local business gonna be boomin
  8. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    whole world laughing at us... but we been a joke for a while now... maybe we needed this wakeup call im shocked right now, but really shouldnt be surprised
  9. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Abuela aint even show up to her party... we in for a crazy next few months aint **** we can do but sit back and see what happens...
  10. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Rachel Maddow is losing her **** on the inside..... 
  11. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    take away the email scandal..... what else was she being criticized about?  her sever dominated the election more than the issues did.....  if you really think the emails didn't play a huge part in the outcome of this election YOU probably shouldn't vote 
  12. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    EMAILS....... emails did this ..... e....... mails
  13. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    "bringing back freedom".... wat  she speaking all the buzzwords  "Trump is going to bring back integrity" ......Donald ******* Trump bringing back INTEGRITY? wow....  America is truly a toilet .... 
  14. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    why do you think that is? NT argues over EVERYTHING... there's always 100 different opinions on the most petty of things  why is it you think 95% of the thread is anti-Trump?  shouldn't that tell you something
  15. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    child sex ring? wat.....  saying she won't do what exactly?
  16. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread*** what? worse than all Trumps lawsuits....  his failure to pay taxes through bankruptcy loopholes.... his sexual assault allegations.... his campaigning for "bringing jobs back" when he himself outsources to other countries.....? 
  17. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    I live in Broward.... we won't let the nation down 
  18. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    MSNBC has Clinton up in FL.... 
  19. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    bruhs... cut the **** already Gary Johnson is on MARS.... apparently neither of you has heard one of his interviews  he had no business on the ballot....  y'all the kind of dudes that think it's fine to write in "Ric Flair" 
  20. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    let me play devil's advocate here and help some of y'all who truly don't get Trumps appeal to HOARDS of people....  - people just won't vote for a woman, period - people just won't vote for a democrat, period - he appeals to people that think all muslims are terrorists - he appeals to people...
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