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  1. isole

    Secrets About Your Job... comment. The procedure is truly a joke with avenues of avoiding extra screening.
  2. isole

    Secrets About Your Job...

    With regulations now your body will get scanned, or you can opt out and get patted down.  Either way your pockets will be detected or emptied out.  If you are a traveler that smokes for recreation, just get a card to avoid the anxiety and hassle. Card Users can get questioned but not detained as...
  3. isole

    Secrets About Your Job...

    TSA: You can actually travel with Weed if you have a Club Card, don't know the exact amount but it's a reasonable amount for personal use. Say if you travel outta California where it's ok to possess....soon as you land in a different state with strict rules, you are at risk but to my knowledge...
  4. isole

    Has anybody ever worked for Homeland Security? VOL. Federal Jobs!

    TSA is a good start for moving on to Police Department Work / US Customs Officer / Border Patrol / Federal Air Marshalls and etc. It's just like any other job, brown nosers get farther and hard workers get over looked. If you do decide to get employed work hard and keep your nose clean. I...
  5. isole

    Man this naked girl is so freaking CASUAL in this picture

    Wow.... God > Photoshop
  6. isole

    Man this naked girl is so freaking CASUAL in this picture

    Wow.... God > Photoshop
  7. isole

    Facebooks of Dead People

    I for sure wouldn't be posting on a social networking site addressing somebody I know who's passed for the whole public to see. I'll keep it simple and visit the tombstone and pay respects.
  8. isole

    Facebooks of Dead People

    I for sure wouldn't be posting on a social networking site addressing somebody I know who's passed for the whole public to see. I'll keep it simple and visit the tombstone and pay respects.
  9. isole

    It sucks to be a Federal Employee

    I'm not surprised at this notion at all but at least the benefits and pension (for those that have one) still in tact should at least help alleviate the lack of a pay raise. 3 years though? Glad to see no crazy amount of lay-offs are going to happen, though. The stereotype with Federal workers...
  10. isole

    It sucks to be a Federal Employee

    I'm not surprised at this notion at all but at least the benefits and pension (for those that have one) still in tact should at least help alleviate the lack of a pay raise. 3 years though? Glad to see no crazy amount of lay-offs are going to happen, though. The stereotype with Federal workers...
  11. isole

    Federal Job Thread - US Customs is hiring

    I know people that have passed and are still waiting on this job for years so, I gotta cross my fingers on this one. I have my test coming up as well, luckily it landed on my day off. From my previous job I was able to work in the same building at a Shipping Co. where a couple of them are...
  12. isole

    Federal Job Thread - US Customs is hiring

    I know people that have passed and are still waiting on this job for years so, I gotta cross my fingers on this one. I have my test coming up as well, luckily it landed on my day off. From my previous job I was able to work in the same building at a Shipping Co. where a couple of them are...
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