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  1. hustleiskey

    Something Isn't right about Kendrick Johnson Death....................

    he wasn't dead for a full 24 before he died and being upside down wouldn't cause bruising
  2. hustleiskey

    Something Isn't right about Kendrick Johnson Death....................

    The city handles death scenes quite more than they would like to like I stated the Sheriff never shows up the kids that found the boy body said he was found inside of the mat without his shoes are cloths not to mention the fact of how they found him if this gym doesn't get used
  3. hustleiskey

    Something Isn't right about Kendrick Johnson Death....................

    I guess so since the logic of others looking in from the outside appears to be more valuable than the ones actually involved the funny thing is the Sheriff actually showed up at this scene normally other authorities arrive first or the video interview of the coroner on the conduction of the...
  4. hustleiskey

    Something Isn't right about Kendrick Johnson Death....................
  5. hustleiskey

    Something Isn't right about Kendrick Johnson Death.................... A preliminary autopsy report said there were no signs of foul play. But an official autopsy and toxicology test have yet to be released. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation says...
  6. hustleiskey

    Something Isn't right about Kendrick Johnson Death....................

    If this was an accident the GBI would be done with the autopsy by now seeing that the preliminary was so assuring in no foul play. The fact is dude got jumped and I'm so sure of it just watch as the case unfolds and know I will be telling you I told you so once the GBI release the report in the...
  7. hustleiskey

    Something Isn't right about Kendrick Johnson Death....................

  8. hustleiskey

    Something Isn't right about Kendrick Johnson Death....................

    There is footage of Kendrick in the gym but only school officials and police have seen the footage why can't his parents view it?
  9. hustleiskey

    Something Isn't right about Kendrick Johnson Death....................

    It's funny a KKK meeting was actually held in stone mountain yesterday evening but it's supposedly irrelevant Anyway now the coroner story is starting to come out how he never ruled it an accident the sheriff department did so if you feel that this isn't racial motivated than I'm glad it wasn't...
  10. hustleiskey

    Something Isn't right about Kendrick Johnson Death....................

    He was mistakened for somebody else the boys that beat and murdered him thought he was somebody else
  11. hustleiskey

    Something Isn't right about Kendrick Johnson Death....................

    THANK You and I am all those points you listed but the fact is if you haven't lived in the area don't say it doesn't exist I grew up 30 minutes away and I know that it is real We had an incident in high school where a white kid called a math class he was in the N word and what not Just so...
  12. hustleiskey

    Something Isn't right about Kendrick Johnson Death....................

    That's your opinion and mine as well but also in Flordia they have a law that goes against what you said and yet you still can't prove that Zimmerman is a racist the point is you can't really prove a hate crime unless it is on the record saying that person has hate towards a certain race or what...
  13. hustleiskey

    Something Isn't right about Kendrick Johnson Death....................

    The Coroner stated to news sources on the Jan 11 he wasnt notified right away as Ga law states should happen the news source just released that statement yesterday No beef just people know the sheriff is corrupt The sheriff took it upon himself to handle investigation of the case on his own also...
  14. hustleiskey

    Something Isn't right about Kendrick Johnson Death....................

    Where's your evidence he was haunted down? Records state followed and an altercation rose from Trayvonn asking why he was following him the only thing that makes this racial is the 911 call Zimmerman made and even then you could say he was stereotyping and you can't see it being disputed but yet...
  15. hustleiskey

    Something Isn't right about Kendrick Johnson Death....................

    Class over race but what race makes up majority of the classes and also there is none that he caused his death so your point this is not a court nor a jury the post asked your thoughts on the situation not to solve the case but based on what is presented and this was an actual jury I think that...
  16. hustleiskey

    Something Isn't right about Kendrick Johnson Death....................

    The police covered up Dr. King death The police covered up Casey Anthony death The police are trying to cover up Trayvonn death but yet these are ideas that ignorant people come up with because they lack knowledge I understand being opened minding but you 2 are doing a bad job of acting...
  17. hustleiskey

    Something Isn't right about Kendrick Johnson Death....................

    yes I did because of you mainly your arrogant remarks to the situation like I said if you never visited you wouldn't understand and class does play a large role into privilege but we are the majority in the lower classes so you can pretty much play that card in however you divide the pie Like...
  18. hustleiskey

    Something Isn't right about Kendrick Johnson Death....................

    so white privilege doesn't exist? When a study shows that black men recieve a 20% longer sentence than whites and 25% less likely to recieve below the guidelines also if the survey was broken down into demographics the southern states would prove the point even more although I do agree that we...
  19. hustleiskey

    Something Isn't right about Kendrick Johnson Death....................

    that last part of your post is playing something similar to the race card it's suggesting a prejudice so what makes that any different from saying oh it's because he's black
  20. hustleiskey

    Something Isn't right about Kendrick Johnson Death....................

    He was found around 8:30 - 9:30 am the next morning and I know the death didn't occur during the school day for the simple fact he would not be the only student with access to that area even if the gym he was found in does't get used so that mean the swelling occured less than 24hrs after the...
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