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  1. nick da pick


    Are they shipping out of state for phone orders for those who don't live in Jersey?
  2. nick da pick

    Black Infrared VI's returning in 2014. NO GM TALK!

    Doesn't launch locator go up during the week of the release?
  3. nick da pick

    Fragment Design x Retro 1 High OG - Dec 27, 2014

    Feel you on that. Still trying to find a legit size 8 pair myself. But if you really want these you better cop ASAP; resell value on these are going to be absurd.
  4. nick da pick

    Fragment Design x Retro 1 High OG - Dec 27, 2014

    I most likely would assuming you have multiple pairs of breds. Resell/hype on these are going to be unreal. Not to mention they're definitely going to be limited. Mold/colorway seals the deal imo, but breds are for sure heat man.
  5. nick da pick

    Black Infrared VI's returning in 2014. NO GM TALK!

    Thanks for the great info, but we're probably just hyping ourselves about this price change. Doubtful they're going to reduce the price on one of the most popular retros to date. This is Nike we're talking about   
  6. nick da pick

    2016 MLB thread. THE CUBS HAVE BROKEN THE CURSE! Chicago Cubs are your 2016 World Series champions

    Not really too big of a surprise Kluber won over Felix. They were essentially equal while Felix had the advantage of pitching in a pitcher friendly park. Not to mention that Seattle's defense was far superior to Cleveland's terrible defense. Kluber's strong finish on top of his superior FIP won...
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