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  1. Jpdedc14

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Bipartisanship shouldn't be needed. West Virginia didn't elect Manchin to be a Republican, otherwise they would have voted for Morissey. Who is going to look back in 2024 and say "well at least Manchin kept the senate gridlocked"? Even if not all West Virginians agree with his votes, if he feels...
  2. Jpdedc14

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Those dudes are -Steve King (Iowa)
  3. Jpdedc14

    College Degree Value Decreasing

    My GF has a masters in graphic design Just gonna say the course work doesnt seem to be worth the price BUT thats on employers demands as much as it is on students
  4. Jpdedc14

    Talk to me simple. What is up w/ the Palestinian & Israeli situation?

    I think BDS is the only way to go because the rallies did very little to shift Biden's policies. He saw the massive protests in person in Michigan and the very next day he did nothing to condemn Israel's reckless use of the military but pushed for the same old "two state" solution when asked...
  5. Jpdedc14

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    I just hope this doesn't put a strain on his relationship with don lemahn :(
  6. Jpdedc14

    Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

    im a coroner in san francisco county and we didnt have any deaths all last year
  7. Jpdedc14

    Talk to me simple. What is up w/ the Palestinian & Israeli situation?

    An AP writer who in her college days was part of an anti-apartheid group was fired over some old tweets where the worst just called Sheldon Adelson a mole rat basically the AP took a harder stance against their own Jewish writer for being pro-Palestine than they did for their offices being...
  8. Jpdedc14

    Talk to me simple. What is up w/ the Palestinian & Israeli situation?

    I wonder what KSA, UAE and Bahrain will do next. Not that I expect them to engage in a war but they seem to have miscalculated how much international support there was for the cause of Palestinians. For countries with poor human rights records that aim to present themselves as more palatable to...
  9. Jpdedc14

    Talk to me simple. What is up w/ the Palestinian & Israeli situation?

    yeah and aside from UAE and Saudi Arabia those are all third world countries, with some either having their own civil wars, having already taken in millions of refugees or going through famine. I don't see Palestinians viewing Yemen or Iraq as a favorable option. Saudi's send Palestine millions...
  10. Jpdedc14

    Talk to me simple. What is up w/ the Palestinian & Israeli situation?

    even within the same religion lol
  11. Jpdedc14

    Talk to me simple. What is up w/ the Palestinian & Israeli situation?

    doubt it, at least not the neighboring rich gulf states which have stretched themselves thin continuing the famine in yemen while also trying to create subtle ties with israel maybe some north african countries? but idk
  12. Jpdedc14

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    real horseshoe stuff going in between this guy and glenn greenwald
  13. Jpdedc14

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    lol republicans will probably try and be divisive by asking her what she identifies as "we need this question!"
  14. Jpdedc14

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    I get her and MGT confused which is the one with the pro wrestling dad and which was banging some adult film actor?
  15. Jpdedc14

    What do yall think of Scott Peterson? Vol who else coulda done it?

    Oh man I remember living in the Bay Area at the time and this being on the news every day. I haven't watched the Hulu thing yet but he came off very uncaring about the situation not that that itself is proof.
  16. Jpdedc14

    Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

    This is good but it's difficult to get people to trust the reopening They look at the CDC and say "you want us to take masks off, you want vaxxed people to keep them on, which one is it?" because they've released statements with different signals. The funny thing is they made "trust the...
  17. Jpdedc14

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Yeah Ive gotten two female followers on twitter who DMed me sayig "hi where are you from" and both had the bitcoin hashtag in their bios. Definitely a lot of scammers involved in that
  18. Jpdedc14

    Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

    any updates to j&J? only issue was the clots right?
  19. Jpdedc14

    ⭐ OFFICIAL 2020-2021 NBA Off-Season Thread: Olympics begin 7/23; NBA Draft 7/29⭐

    Who do you guys have in the top 3 for the MVP?
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