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  1. chopperville


    Welcome to the Android Illuminati 
  2. chopperville


     Shoot the J!!!!
  3. chopperville

    2011 Smell Good Thread. Vol:Smellin' good for the ladies.

    If you wanna cop tho your best bet is to cop now from  They just recently re-released it, and I dont know how long its gonna stay out.  Its a limited edition, so they only release it in small batches. Its $88, but after they went off the market last time, prices got as high...
  4. chopperville

    2011 Smell Good Thread. Vol:Smellin' good for the ladies.

    Got another bottle of Pure Malt in today
  5. chopperville


    Its still shipping.  Plus, dont worry about Apple and their antics....Once Google is cleared the use of Motorola's patent portfolio (Motorola is one of the pioneers of cellular technology) things will definitely get interesting.
  6. chopperville


    You really cant go wrong with either.  If you want the newest hardware, the SIII is for you.  If you want that massive 5.3" screen and that "wow" factor, go for the Note.  If you want the best software, support & development, and new features by the day Nexus is for you.
  7. chopperville


    JellyBean being flashed on the NEX as we speak... will report back soon.... **Edit: WOW!!! I really couldnt grasp how much smoother Android could get, as ICS is super smooth, but JellyBean is waaaayyy smoother.  Its very noticeable. iOS smooth.  There is barely any touch input lag.  This...
  8. chopperville

    2011 Smell Good Thread. Vol:Smellin' good for the ladies.

    I used to mess with the oils.  Even though some dont smell exactly like the fragrance, they still smell pretty good and are cheap.  I actually started out with the oils, then curiosity/want for more led me to the actual fragrances.  If you're on a budget, the oils are a good look.
  9. chopperville

    2011 Smell Good Thread. Vol:Smellin' good for the ladies.

    If you're talking about Bleu, it runs like 60+ for the 1.7 oz, and 80+ for the 3.7oz.  I managed to find a steal on eBay for a 3.4 oz tester for around 65 though.  Chanel frags usually carry a higher price tag than most designer frags, but trust me, its worth it.  I get about 8 hrs on the...
  10. chopperville

    2011 Smell Good Thread. Vol:Smellin' good for the ladies.

    Just got my first bottle of Bleu de Chanel today... man I have been sleeping HARD This stuff is crazy. Dont think imma give this one up any time soon. Also got my hands on a decant of Bond No. 9 New Haarlem today.  This stuff is also CRAZY. Definitely gotta cop a whole bottle to go into the...
  11. chopperville

    2011 Smell Good Thread. Vol:Smellin' good for the ladies.

    I'm still on the fence about 1 Million. I have a sample, and its a little TOO sweet for me, and I love the sweet scents. It smells good, but it smells like super sweet bubble gum/cherry and gets sickly after a while. And its SUPER strong. One spray had me filling up the room. Oh yea, i dont...
  12. chopperville

    Group Of Men File Discrimination For Not Being Allowed To Join Sorority

    This dont make no damn sense. If you a dude, sexual preference or not, you dont have the right to join a damn SORORITY. I dont give a damn if you like smashin females, dudes or zebras, if you wasnt born with a vagina, you are not a female. PERIOD. Thats like a dude gettin mad and suing cause...
  13. chopperville

    \\ Post Your Car vol. Been a minute //

    This is 2012 , these V6 joints are putting up the same or better HP than their V8 predecessors and are still faster/more powerful than alot of cars on the road so why not?  Why not go for better mileage/price point and still get great performance? Plus everybody isnt buying a car to race. 300+...
  14. chopperville


    I wouldnt.  The Tab 7 is too old and isnt worth it.  The Galaxy Tab 7 is 2 software versions behind the current tablets on the market.  Just save up a little more and get a more up to date tablet if you have to have one.
  15. chopperville


    Bro. Edmonds definitely could've used one of these...  Φ
  16. chopperville


    Specs/benchmarks dont mean everything.  The GSII is fast, but the GNex running ICS has a faster,better, EXPERIENCE.  Once you get over the whole "only 5 megapixels" BS,(Which only determines the size of the picture) the camera is great, especially with the zero-lag shutter which is clutch in...
  17. chopperville

    No Girls For Me... FML

    1. Shut up. Get some confidence. 2. See a dermatologist ASAP. They can and will help you. I used to have bad acne, tried all that over the counter stuff, nothing worked. Went to the dermatologist, and my skin has been baby smooth for the last 5 years. They will help with whatever you have too.
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