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  1. jdashr

    NYPD's Racist Marijuana Arrest Crusade

    As a prosecutor in a large urban area in the northeast, i would just like to clarify things regarding stops and to educate the members here. (please excuse typos) I noticed OP cited the Bronx Defenders study regarding stops for marijuana. (it should also be noted that the Bronx Defenders...
  2. jdashr

    So How Tough is Law School Really?

    Honestly, as a practicing government prosecutor in a major northeast city, i say go if you know what you want to do. With that being said, i recommend those planning to go to law school to intern or work in a particular area of the law before they go, so they have focus as well as a goal. Law...
  3. jdashr

    Any lawyers out there? Vol Is it worth it?

    Fordham Class of 2011 here- i tell everyone now that asks, do not go to law school unless 1. you know what area of law you would like to practice in- and by knowing I mean have interned or work in a variety of places to get a flavor as to what attorneys in those respective areas do. You don't...
  4. jdashr

    Any lawyers out there? Vol Is it worth it?

    Fordham Class of 2011 here- i tell everyone now that asks, do not go to law school unless 1. you know what area of law you would like to practice in- and by knowing I mean have interned or work in a variety of places to get a flavor as to what attorneys in those respective areas do. You don't...
  5. jdashr

    This Casey Anthony case has me wondering about lawyers

    there are a lot of misconceptions of attorneys in this post and I as student studying for the bar as we speak at 2 am would like to clarify a few points: 1. if there were no defense attorneys, the judicial system would be in shambles. In is the governments burden to prove that a defendant is...
  6. jdashr

    This Casey Anthony case has me wondering about lawyers

    there are a lot of misconceptions of attorneys in this post and I as student studying for the bar as we speak at 2 am would like to clarify a few points: 1. if there were no defense attorneys, the judicial system would be in shambles. In is the governments burden to prove that a defendant is...
  7. jdashr

    People here that lift weights I need some advice...Bad.. i have seen this program work wonders. I have not used it as i am comfortable with my size and muscularity ( i actually want to shed a few pounds). this program, if followed, will definitely work.
  8. jdashr

    People here that lift weights I need some advice...Bad.. i have seen this program work wonders. I have not used it as i am comfortable with my size and muscularity ( i actually want to shed a few pounds). this program, if followed, will definitely work.
  9. jdashr

    Honest question....why are you young, healthy and fat?

    honestly it takes time, dedication, and the ability to endure pain. I feel that many people often have the time (as they will play videogames or engage in other ventures) , want to have dedication (to work out and eat right), but do not want the pain aspect of it. That mindset will get you...
  10. jdashr

    Honest question....why are you young, healthy and fat?

    honestly it takes time, dedication, and the ability to endure pain. I feel that many people often have the time (as they will play videogames or engage in other ventures) , want to have dedication (to work out and eat right), but do not want the pain aspect of it. That mindset will get you...
  11. jdashr

    High achieving slackers unite! Finding purpose...

    Congrats OP. even bigger of props in that I'm assuming your a male, and there is a definite lack of speech language pathologists that are male. While it may seem unnerving that you will be entering a female dominated area, there are definite perks. I don't know what your future plans are...
  12. jdashr

    High achieving slackers unite! Finding purpose...

    Congrats OP. even bigger of props in that I'm assuming your a male, and there is a definite lack of speech language pathologists that are male. While it may seem unnerving that you will be entering a female dominated area, there are definite perks. I don't know what your future plans are...
  13. jdashr

    NT Lawyers or law students, help out.

    /\ schools used to take the average of scores. Now the status quo is factoring just the highest score. However, there are some schools that still avg.
  14. jdashr

    NT Lawyers or law students, help out.

    /\ schools used to take the average of scores. Now the status quo is factoring just the highest score. However, there are some schools that still avg.
  15. jdashr

    NT Lawyers or law students, help out.

    chiding in for everyone that is considering lawschool, i encourage you to take a year and work in an area of law you are interested in. If you want to go biglaw, work in biglaw, so that you get a feel for it. Personally the mundane drudgery, coupled with the long hours and constant research and...
  16. jdashr

    NT Lawyers or law students, help out.

    chiding in for everyone that is considering lawschool, i encourage you to take a year and work in an area of law you are interested in. If you want to go biglaw, work in biglaw, so that you get a feel for it. Personally the mundane drudgery, coupled with the long hours and constant research and...
  17. jdashr

    Anybody graduate college with honors?

    cum laude. Its practically a must to graduate with latin honors in order to matriculate to a really good grad program. Its even more impressive if you are Phi Beta Kappa. Latin honors and any other honors will probably be a line in your resume for the rest of your life, that will distinguish...
  18. jdashr

    So who's applying to law school this cycle?

    op not to sound horrible but, retake LSAT. Go pad ur resume, and study ur butt off. bang out a 170 and enjoy a t10 for full price. Maybe just maybe if u getlucky and do well in ur classes, fille dwith all ivy league kids, you can pull some type of job outta this horrible job market which you...
  19. jdashr

    Official Atheist/Non-Believer Appreciation Thread. Vol. Yes we exist

    In its most simplest terms here is what i believe: Religion and god are a man made construct to give people hope, and to give them a sense of purpose in life. I feel that it has been passed down generation togeneration, by the devoted, as it was simply all they were taught to believe from a...
  20. jdashr

    Law School???

    well when ur in lscool, the only thing to truly compare is job prospects. understanding it mathematically, nyu and columbia are relatively the same for jobprospects, and they are good. they are prob 2.25 times the prospects coming out of col/nyu than fordham. this is cus nyu/col are national...
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