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  1. afr0gj

    So should I start to watch Entourage? Vol; Black sheep in class

    Watch it for Sloan. 
  2. afr0gj

    How often do you go to the Movies?

    Depends on the season and what movies are coming out. If it's summer, like 2-3 times a month. Any other season, if I do see a movie it better have crazy good ratings. My company paying for my movie tickets right now so I actually went to 6 movies in a little over 1 month  so sick of watching the...
  3. afr0gj

    Everybody is a Genius....

    nice quote OP
  4. afr0gj

    Everybody is a Genius....

    nice quote OP
  5. afr0gj


  6. afr0gj

    Dare you to find a shorter video that makes you laugh every time vol. 3 seconds

    I came here thinking it was gonna be this video and I was likewhen I saw the OPs vid. Scrolled down and as soon as I saw 'Go Bwah' I didnt even have to press play to laugh
  7. afr0gj

    Dare you to find a shorter video that makes you laugh every time vol. 3 seconds

    I came here thinking it was gonna be this video and I was likewhen I saw the OPs vid. Scrolled down and as soon as I saw 'Go Bwah' I didnt even have to press play to laugh
  8. afr0gj

    The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

    Just watched Easy A and KickAss. They were both aite, KickAss wouldve been better but I cant stand Nic Cage 
  9. afr0gj

    The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

    Just watched Easy A and KickAss. They were both aite, KickAss wouldve been better but I cant stand Nic Cage 
  10. afr0gj

    Easily one of the best commercials I've ever seen

     But really, I knew it was going to be this commercial when I saw the topic name.
  11. afr0gj

    Easily one of the best commercials I've ever seen

     But really, I knew it was going to be this commercial when I saw the topic name.
  12. afr0gj

    TUMBLR!!? My startups tumblr. Follow me and I'll follow back.
  13. afr0gj

    NT what's your occupation?

    Marketing and Customer Service for a Startup company (shameless plug below ). Startups are crazy unforgiving but gives so much satisfaction when you get things done.
  14. afr0gj

    NT what's your occupation?

    Marketing and Customer Service for a Startup company (shameless plug below ). Startups are crazy unforgiving but gives so much satisfaction when you get things done.
  15. afr0gj

    Starting a business

    You should first try to find something you enjoy, or definitely believe in. It's going to be rough starting up a business (I'm in the process of doing so myself). Got to have that belief that your business will make it; because if you don't, who will?
  16. afr0gj

    Starting a business

    You should first try to find something you enjoy, or definitely believe in. It's going to be rough starting up a business (I'm in the process of doing so myself). Got to have that belief that your business will make it; because if you don't, who will?
  17. afr0gj

    Post Your Twitters Vol #followfriday

    @moviepass I always follow back 
  18. afr0gj

    Post Your Twitters Vol #followfriday

    @moviepass I always follow back 
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