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  1. straightbacon

    Dudes at JD done lost their mind

    looks like it was just slapped on there 
  2. straightbacon

    Dudes at JD done lost their mind

    looks like it was just slapped on there 
  3. straightbacon

    anybody else have this problem? AM95 not staying tied???

    i only have this problem with my mowabs. even double knot they seem to loosen
  4. straightbacon

    Neon AM95's on NDC

    there was a full size run when i got my pairs, guess checking daily finally paid off
  5. straightbacon

    | ~ New I.D. Season: Air Max shipped! +PICS+

    its like deja vu all over again?
  6. straightbacon

    | ~ New I.D. Season: Air Max shipped! +PICS+

    i got so lucky i was trying like crazy since the 95s came out. today i just tried once after i ate and the 95s were up! i quickly put 2 from my locker in my cart, i went to put a 3rd and it was already sold out! it was seriously 45seconds. so i got a pair of engine (which i hop eis like saftey...
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