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  1. neekolas

    Were you home sick your first few weeks of college?

    hell naw. i just graduated UF. if you are homesick now you won't be in a few days
  2. neekolas

    The 7 Hermetic Laws of the Universe.

    most metaphysics is a total joke
  3. neekolas

    How bad is a 'W' (Withdrawal) on your student record?

    nothing to trip about. i've had 4 drops through undergrad and still got into a few legit law schools. from what i've heard if your grades are good thenmost schools won't give much concern to your drops.
  4. neekolas

    gif request

    can someone make me a gif from this video for 1:49-1:50 andhave it reverse at the end. that would be really funnny
  5. neekolas

    Anyone black out while drinking???

    one day you'll wake up with a dildo inside of you
  6. neekolas


    @ felatio
  7. neekolas

    The monkey got out of the cage vol.Racist text messages

    i was pretty heated when i got that text. i hope that fool goes to jail. and gets raped. several times
  8. neekolas

    Yo NT, what are some home remedies for a cold?

    Get drunk, smoke a pack of cigarettes, and have sex with the biggest loosie goosie you know. eating feces and or spoiled food also helps.
  9. neekolas

    whats that japanese flash game where the guy gets slapped and he keeps bouncing

    that game was sick. ive been trying to find it for a while now
  10. neekolas

    Graffiti Showcase/ Show me your black books!

    thats the homie dwel and me on some legal action
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