Were you home sick your first few weeks of college?

No. You are way too busy the first month of college to even have time to miss home.

It'll creep up at the 2 month mark!
Just take advantage of every possible opportunity for fun and stuff and you will be fine.
yeahh. I had a similar situation to yours. I was the only one out of all my close friends to go to a 4 year university straight out of high school. pretty muchall of my boys went to the local community college and i felt like i was going to fall out of the loop. I'm from the bay area and go to UC Irvine, in socal, so i wasn't able to go home too often. To be honest, i did loose contact with my friends and things were different when i came home, but that waspartly my fault. you gotta make the effort to stay in touch with your friends. it's a lot harder for guys to do so cause talking on the phone and textingyour boys seems kinda weird. just do what you can, but you have to understand, you're no longer kickin it with them on a daily basis, your friendship isindeed different, but that doesn't mean that the relationship between you and your friends is different. you just have to accept that things are differentbut not necessarily bad. after a while, you'll get use to being away and things will eventually mellow down.
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