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  1. sentranism

    ***Post Your Desktop / Guide To A Great Desktop***

    posting to check back later
  2. sentranism

    Bad workouts UNAPPRECIATION

    i hate it when people go to the gym and they are sitting on a machine or free weights, doing a set then talking on the phone forever
  3. sentranism

    LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

    I Just saw the episode "House of the Raising Sun" and after seeing the finale, just noticed something Locke and Charlie were in adam and eve'scave having a conversation... locke asks charlie when was the last time he played his guitar, and charlie tells him that it has been 8 days because his...
  4. sentranism


    Main reason why america is so fat, is due to all these people complaining about the fast food industry, but really it's just all because of them, you cango on and complain about, "oh they place fast food in urban areas" but the truth is that everyone has a choice, and you choose if you are going...
  5. sentranism

    Job at Best buy

    nope no commission is made when working at bestbuy, working media and games i would say is not the best especially when the store gets slam with customersespecially the ones that liek to ask a lot of questions, or even the ones who ask to find a movie and they don't even know the title, working...
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