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  1. isis

    They Caught Me.....

    That's really cute
  2. isis

    Has anyone ever been seduced by a woman? Like actually?

    I bet a lot more of you guys have been seduced than you know. Its just that many women let the guy think it was all his "moves" and he got some causehe got "game" ....when in reality it was all the woman. Case in point, a good friend decided it was time to take her relationship with her...
  3. isis

    NT What Irks You While You're Driving Vol. Stop Staring

    hmm... given the replies, my first will have to be... MALE drivers but really, people who merge on to the freeway way slow. It's called merging at the speed of traffic!!! do they want to cause a wreck??????
  4. isis

    California Supreme Court UPHOLDS gay marriage ban.... but existing same-sex marriages to stand

    Many states do not allow a gay person's partner to make medical decisions in an emergency, even if they've been together for 40 years. Families that don't approve of their offspring's lifestyle can go so far as to bar their partner from the hospital room. If a person's partner is arrested...
  5. isis

    any NTer know how to play any music instruments?

    Not bad with a berimbau guess it's not really that difficult of an instrument though
  6. isis

    whats your take on Obama mandating a 36MPG minimum on cars? VOL. RIP V8, corvette, camaro, chargers

    It surprises me that people think mandating mpg is too much. As far as I'm concerned it's just like any other mandated safety standard. Yes it willaffect the auto industry, but as a business they need to accept it and evolve, or go under. No industry can expect to remain static and still...
  7. isis

    Flight of the Conchords. who watches it?

    This show kills me "Making love... Making love for... Making love for two Making love for two minutes" business time!
  8. isis

    Celeb crush thread

    Lebron James That physique is incredible....
  9. isis

    Could you marry someone who absolutely could not cook?

    It would def be tough to marry someone that couldn't. I really love a man who can cook. My ex spoiled me with that, he could make anything. I guess I could forgive it though, if he made up for it in other ways.
  10. isis

    Things You've Always Wondered/Random Thoughts

    Crazy how when you're doing 70 on the highway, and cars coming from the other direction are going the same speed, the only thing keeping them from runningheadlong is some arbitrary line in the middle of the road.
  11. isis

    What Have You Read Lately/Reading Now?

    Been thinking of the Dark Tower series, I hear its not King's usual style? And I'm looking for some good science fiction. Just read The God Delusion- Richard Dawkins. I couldn't put it down. The science/biology based arguments are really food for thought.
  12. isis

    So let's talk about the double standard on promiscuity...

    As a woman of course I don't agree with the double standard. And I buy my own meals! But I've never understood why the number of past partners is so important anyways. To me, it takes away from the really important questions. Like, do youhave any STD's? How did you treat your previous partners...
  13. isis


    Take the L. You hit her up, she didn't respond so she's probably moved on already. Do the same
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