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  1. gpthsiz4u08

    interracial couples ftw

    I'm filipino, and my girl is puerto rican and white. like HYPHYSOLE i love my latinas
  2. gpthsiz4u08

    NFL's new "Marion Barber" rule takes Marion Barber by surprise

    all the rule is saying is that they will not allow players to stiff arm to the "head." No where did it say that the move cannot be used, I for one dosort of agree with that, as a defender if the runnner grabs and twists your facemask, wich does happen alot btw, its dangerous and cheap. players...
  3. gpthsiz4u08

    Jerry Rice in his 40s schooling a 20 year old prospect!

    "deion couldn't cover me" haha:rollin:rollin:rollin
  4. gpthsiz4u08

    Jerry Rice in his 40s schooling a 20 year old prospect!

    "deion couldn't cover me" haha:rollin:rollin:rollin
  5. gpthsiz4u08

    And your fav song of '07 is......? vol. 1 cuz this is so original.

    I dont like lupe much but when i listened to his album THE COOL I started to love his stuff, hip hop saved my life - Lupe Fiasco
  6. gpthsiz4u08

    Gucci Mane Appreciation/Unapp. post

    i honestly like him. he has catchy music.
  7. gpthsiz4u08

    T.O vs Keyshawn ( ps I need the link to both interviews )

    does Parcells really deserve the credit?sure. but the truth is that the CURRENT coach SHOULD get the credit simply by being the coach to put up the record thatyear. regardless
  8. gpthsiz4u08

    What were your favorite middle school hangout spots

    Jamba juice and jellybelly doughnuts. and in the back of school
  9. gpthsiz4u08

    Progess Report Unappreciation

    Yeah I know how yah feel. but this year is different all my grades are up and everything haha. maybe cuz its my senior year i guess
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