T.O vs Keyshawn ( ps I need the link to both interviews )

TO overreacted and handled the situation like a big baby, Keyshawn aint even come at dude dude wrong, TO just being TO, you didn't think he'd be quietall season did you? LOL
TO erupted at the wrong time...Keyshawn was right that TO definately didn't understand what he was saying, all Keyshawn was saying is stop worryin boutBill and if someone brings him up dont even respond to him
I dunno man, Keyshawn went to Dorsey, and you can't be no p**** going therefor high school.
But seriously, I think Keyshawn has always been a hater. I don't know if anybody remembers the Monday Night Football game from 4 or 5 years ago when he wason the Buccs and they were playing the Colts. The sideline cam caught him talking GREASY about Marvin Harrison and how he's overrated
That samenight, they lost and Marvin finished with like 2 touchdowns.

hater? yes. bum? hardly. he used to get it in when he was in the league
Bill Parcells is a garbage coach,
what some of you fail to realize is that since the beginning of the season, Keyshawn has been taking jabs @ T.O. I watch the countdown every sunday morning andi remember one sunday in particular when we were 4-0 (the day before the bills game), and he went off on how T.O. is selfish and will soon "show his truecolors" when Dallas starts losing. and all Tom Jackson does is cosign him and add fuel to the fire. I think T.O. responded the way he did as a result ofall the accumlating jabs and talk about him since the beginning of the season and not just directly responding to Keyshawn's comments last sunday.

you guys didnt even see the full interview either. I love how ESPN has cut and chopped it up to make it look like T.O. is the bad guy. the left out the partwhere he defended Wade Phillips and said everyone keeps talkin bout how Bill is the reason why their 12-1 and no one is giving credit to what Wade has donethis year and what hes done that wasn't done a year ago.

Of course ESPN is gonna stretch this garbage out for as long as they can.
you can't say anything about T.O. w/o him gettin at you. i thinkafter the whole T.O. to Baltimore thing fell thru, Ray Lew said something about him and T.O. said something like "Ray Lewis...double murder." i maybe wrong, but i know T.O. brought up the double murder, just not sure what Ray Lewis said for T.O. to say that.

I hate to love T.O.
Originally Posted by NyRapisBack

what some of you fail to realize is that since the beginning of the season, Keyshawn has been taking jabs @ T.O. I watch the countdown every sunday morning and i remember one sunday in particular when we were 4-0 (the day before the bills game), and he went off on how T.O. is selfish and will soon "show his true colors" when Dallas starts losing. and all Tom Jackson does is cosign him and add fuel to the fire. I think T.O. responded the way he did as a result of all the accumlating jabs and talk about him since the beginning of the season and not just directly responding to Keyshawn's comments last sunday.

you guys didnt even see the full interview either. I love how ESPN has cut and chopped it up to make it look like T.O. is the bad guy. the left out the part where he defended Wade Phillips and said everyone keeps talkin bout how Bill is the reason why their 12-1 and no one is giving credit to what Wade has done this year and what hes done that wasn't done a year ago.

Of course ESPN is gonna stretch this garbage out for as long as they can.
I saw the full interview/segments whatever you want to call them and the whole time Keyshawn was giving TO his props saying hes playin out of thisworld this and that and that hes a top 4 player (He named a few players that were having a better season than him statistically) this season and all he saidwas just leave Bill alone, dont worry about him or anything in the past, just worry about this year and get your championship ring. So even if Keyshawn wasthrowin jabs at TO all year did he really have to flip out right at this second? I honestly don't think so
ESPN is really fueling this Keyshawn/ TO thing. Keyshawn has been talking greasy about TO all season. I remember before the Bills game he said the reasonTO's stats are up is because "he is pimping Tony Romo, Jason Garrett, and Wade Phillips on getting him the ball". I have listened to every TOlockeroom interview and everytime the media talks to him , especially Ed Warder of ESPN, they ask him about this season compared to last season. Keyshawn andeveryone at the network knows what there trying to get him to say when they ask him a question like that.
i like both guys, but key has some hate in him and TO overracted with it.

but i love how key said TO needs to stop bringing up Parcells in his convos when its ESPN always asking parcells about TO or ESPN asking TO about him.

and Tom jackson sounds like a real damn hater all the time the back ground saying the samething. "TO is going to blow up soon", "PREACHKEY",
Originally Posted by Goodfellaz86

Originally Posted by NyRapisBack

what some of you fail to realize is that since the beginning of the season, Keyshawn has been taking jabs @ T.O. I watch the countdown every sunday morning and i remember one sunday in particular when we were 4-0 (the day before the bills game), and he went off on how T.O. is selfish and will soon "show his true colors" when Dallas starts losing. and all Tom Jackson does is cosign him and add fuel to the fire. I think T.O. responded the way he did as a result of all the accumlating jabs and talk about him since the beginning of the season and not just directly responding to Keyshawn's comments last sunday.

you guys didnt even see the full interview either. I love how ESPN has cut and chopped it up to make it look like T.O. is the bad guy. the left out the part where he defended Wade Phillips and said everyone keeps talkin bout how Bill is the reason why their 12-1 and no one is giving credit to what Wade has done this year and what hes done that wasn't done a year ago.

Of course ESPN is gonna stretch this garbage out for as long as they can.
I saw the full interview/segments whatever you want to call them and the whole time Keyshawn was giving TO his props saying hes playin out of this world this and that and that hes a top 4 player (He named a few players that were having a better season than him statistically) this season and all he said was just leave Bill alone, dont worry about him or anything in the past, just worry about this year and get your championship ring. So even if Keyshawn was throwin jabs at TO all year did he really have to flip out right at this second? I honestly don't think so
They are obviously trying to create something out of nothing at ESPN. Keyshawn has been talking @$#% about dude all season. Every week they ask TOabout this season compared to last season, especially Ed Warder. If they don't won't him saying anything about last season then they need to stopasking him the same damn questions every week. They know TO is a straight shooter and sooner or later their going to agitate him enough and he going to speakout. It's so obvious what ESPN is trying to do.
EPSN is garbage. TO sonned him like a stepchild and then they give an idiot like Keyshawn airtime to continue talking condescendingly about TO despite the factthat TO's accomplishments speak for themselves. Nevermind the fact that a self-involved prick like Bill Parcells who always gets a pass for being acomplete %!$%$+@@+ was too into himself to care about some of his players during the time he was coaching the Cowboys? That shows you where they're at as anetwork. Total one track minds over there by pitting one man against the other and causing controversy for the sake of bringing in the ratings. I used todislike TO, but he's a standup guy and has always been no matter how much of a black eye people like Parcells tried to place on him. Fat bastard.
exactly. Keyshawn has been gettin at T.O. ALL DAMN SEASON since Week 1 vs the Giants. T.O. obviously has had enough.
As crazy as he was talking TO didn't lie about anything!
Exactly, and you can't go against facts. I see it like this, Keyshawn called out T.O. on national television, he wasn't just making somerandom comment either, he was dead serious when he was addressing T.O. and trying to put the spotlight on him. T.O. did the right thing by going right back athim, you don't let nobody talk about you and your character like that, and I'm sure most of you dudes with heart would have done the same thing T.O.did. "ESPN producer...LET 'EM GO"
I wish both TO and Key could see this for what it really is. ESPN is making them dance like puppets. ESPN is notorious for "making" news rather thanreporting it.
Originally Posted by imaniketalker

- not really.

- is more like it.
- it'd be one thing if TO adressed what Key said then said that childish BS about Key but he didnt. he made himself look like a child that cant comprehenda sentence and straight took Key's constructive critisism the worng way.....

- ive always been a fan of TO but he looked like a straight childish@@+@ on this one...sorry. but im sure in his childish mind he thought he won.
Originally Posted by aepps20

I wish both TO and Key could see this for what it really is. ESPN is making them dance like puppets. ESPN is notorious for "making" news rather than reporting it.
very much agree with this statement.
I live in Dallas, and I have never heard T.O. say anything about Keyshawn.
So why is this clown on national TV talking to T.O. like he the Playmaker
or Prime giving T.O. some sound advice?
Keyshawn str8 broad, and espn(no caps) str8 broads too.
I respect what Key did on the field, but from what I'm hearing y'all cats
say, he a str8 HATER!!!! If hes been shootin' T.O. name out his mouth every
Sunday morning, then the cat does have some issues with T.O. taking his locker.
And now that I think about it thats why Bill wouldn't let T.O. shine cause Jerry made
him get rid of his little Key. So he kept the team and the entire world of Cowboy fans from
enjoying what could have been a much better season cause he was mad about Jerry
bringing in T.O. and letting Keyshawn catch the first plane to Carolina. Notice we kept
Terry Glenn, Jerry ain't no fool. Key can keep commenhatin' all season.
does Parcells really deserve the credit?sure. but the truth is that the CURRENT coach SHOULD get the credit simply by being the coach to put up the record thatyear. regardless
Originally Posted by MART1N PAYNE

But seriously, I think Keyshawn has always been a hater. I don't know if anybody remembers the Monday Night Football game from 4 or 5 years ago when he was on the Buccs and they were playing the Colts. The sideline cam caught him talking GREASY about Marvin Harrison and how he's overrated
That same night, they lost and Marvin finished with like 2 touchdowns.
I remember that game
That was Tony Dungy first game back inTampa. Key was mic'd up for NFL films and boy was he talking %!$! about Marvin when the Bucs D held him in check the first half. Calling him"soft' and "highly overated " but that second half and 11 grabs for 176 and 2 TDs later ya boy Key couldn't say nothing.
Originally Posted by 901 Mob Boss

"He wrote a book 'Gimme the Damn Ball'... 106 catches and 1 touchdown... and that was off a tipped pass."

my n' T.O.

yeah that was a good line
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