NFL's new "Marion Barber" rule takes Marion Barber by surprise

All I know is, i'd rather be punched wearing a helmet than not.

Does that clear this debate up at all? Probably not.. but it needed to be said I think.
Im waiting on Dr 715's diagnosis

thank you
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

but seriously from experience, punching a helmet and/or facemask does not hurt. trust me. fa real, just trust me.

A broken ring finger and scars on my right hand beg to differ...
all the rule is saying is that they will not allow players to stiff arm to the "head." No where did it say that the move cannot be used, I for one dosort of agree with that, as a defender if the runnner grabs and twists your facemask, wich does happen alot btw, its dangerous and cheap. players are stillable to utilize the stiff arm w/o aiming for the facemask.
lil smitty

Yea tru , u broke ya finger n got scars hitttin a helmet and I've got a broken hand and displaced knuckle from punching faces...

Like I said , there's little to no difference between hittin the two

If a skull and face was so easy to be bangin on, boxers wouldnt need their hands wrapped and 8 - 10 oz gloves to protecttheir hands.

and they still break their hands in fights.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

so they are just telling him he cant pull peoples face mask? cause if thats all it shouldnt be a big deal.

�no, hes not allowed to stiff arm to the face.

@ 4:01 of this video is an example of what Barber does with his free hand
Why even have the wire mask on the helmet anymore? Why don't they just have the players where durable plastic shields. Does the facemask even help toprotect the player at all when they could just have a plastic mask?

This rule is dumb. Getting your hand under the face mask and pushing it up is good strategy. If the tackler can't see you it's a huge advantage. Youtackle from the waist down anyway.
Barber will still catch wreck. He'll do somethin else to make up for this bogus rule.

You gotta admit tho, it was funny watching him do it. The Patsies got it the worst.
@ them complaining
that's some %%*+%!*#, %@%% the league and %@%% roger goodell, dude is just ruining the league left and right. @#*@ that guy and @#*@ how hes ruining theleague.
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