Search results

  1. darthadam

    Who do you think is the funniest character on Family Guy???

    they are all great. but i think peter is the best.
  2. darthadam

    Nintendo Wii = TRASH

    i have a wii and i think it blows. there is really no good games. i had to send mine into nintendo 3 time already!
  3. darthadam

    best game of all time

    any mario kart
  4. darthadam

    Would You Do This For 5 Grand?

  5. darthadam

    Favourite Childhood TV Shows?

  6. darthadam

    Post Your Top 10 Favorite Movies / Movies You Would Recommend

    #1 star wars (all) #2 shawshank redempition #3 forrest gump #4 pulp ficition #5 back to the future (all) #6 howard stern private parts #7 tommy boy #8spaceballs #9 kill bill (all) #10 casino
  7. darthadam

    What do you do with your old shoes?

    Cut the grass in them.
  8. darthadam

    Lord Vader, your car has arrived.

  9. darthadam

    Which girl do you prefer?

    girl number 5 works for me.
  10. darthadam

    11/12 Topics MERGED!!!

    This is a must have pack for me! It will be a nice pack for my collection.
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