Nintendo Wii = TRASH

You're buying the wrong games!

The Wii is not trash. Sure it doesn't get that much gameplay anymore, but that's because I'm usually busy and I'm not that into video gamesanyways. But it was a good investment. It brings families together and it is the perfect excuse to invite the ladies over. It has gotten me laid so many times.
Think about it... Invite a girl over for drinks and COD4 or drinks and some Wii Bowling? Clutch!
You are all idiots. Wii targets a clearly different audience than the PS3 and 360 do. Yes, it would be nice if Nintendo got back to targeting the hardcoregamer - maybe a Goldeneye or another Zelda before this crap like Animal Crossing. IGN just did a nice article on that this week.

Nintendo is absolutely killing in the console war because they were smart. They knew they couldn't compete with either of the other two systems from atraditional gamer standpoint. So they came up with some gimmicks and marketed them to the right audience. When was the last time you saw a Wii in a store pastthe day they were restocked?

And yeah, I just copped one today for my girl for Xmas. But I have a PS3 too, and would never say the Wii is a better gaming system. It's a nice complementto a PS3 or 360.
Bought a wii. Traded it in for a 360. Kind of regret it just for the simple fact that brawl was sooooo sick
I like the Wii. The graphics and stuff might not be as great or realistic, but it is a fun system. I played Wii Fit the other day with my cousin and it wasfun.
playing the wii by yourself is not fun with the exception of some great single player games

but playing the wii with other people is a blast

homebrew is a great addition too

being able to play snes, nes, sega, 64 and wii games for free ftw
I remember my brother went thru hell trying getting one for me a couple years back on black friday. It started off good. Zelda, smash bros, the godfather, andmario kart 64 were all
. Then after a while I just stopped playing. Tobe fair, I think it wouldn't matter what it was, I just don't care for video games anymore. One thing that its got going for it is when females hearyou own a wii...
"Oh! You own one? so, when you gonna invite me over to play?"
You can't say that for the ps3 or 360.
Originally Posted by acidicality

the Wii is good for games like Wii Sports, Wii Fit, etc. etc. but if you're playing other games, they're much more worthwhile on PS3 or XBOX.

QFT its much more fun for just goofing around with a group of people... (usually drinking) but as far as legit gameplay goes, it is far inferior...
i agree 100% it was a waste of my money, i haven't played mine in about 4 months. ps3 and 360 ftw
i have a wii and i think it blows. there is really no good games. i had to send mine into nintendo 3 time already!
Originally Posted by the north west

being able to play snes, nes, sega, 64 and wii games for free ftw
what? had no i dea you could do that, the wii might have some use after all.

bought one a couple of months ago and only played mario kart for 10 minutes. what a waste. the wii is trash and a gimmick, thats why third party developersdont even bother. as for sales numbers, 90% of dudes i know who own a wii got it for when chics come over the the crib.
So dudes are buying video game systems just to get chicks to come over to their crib, no offense but i think that's pretty pathetic
Originally Posted by LA Laker Devotee

Not only are the games for this console crap (ooh lookie at this wiiremote...) but now I've realised the reason it won't connect to the internet is because my wireless router is too new!? I mean, what kind of messed up reason is that? No other piece of hardware has struggled to connect, only this piece of crap!

When I saw WiiMusic I thought 'That does it, this console is just a fat gimmick'. The only reason I touch it now is so my gf doesn't feel bad about getting it for me, bless her. Oh well, something has to collect dust!

After that rant, peace!
send it to me..?!?!?!??????????????????????
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