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  1. tjuice44


    Currently rocking this but with a rubber strap:
  2. tjuice44

    Dressing Better Vol 2.0

    I definitely agree with SFC - Aldo shoes get ruined in a matter of days/weeks! They look great the first few times you wear them but fall apart real quickly. I wear a suit to work everyday and scruffy shoes really change the entire appearance. A friend of mine has a blog that I go to once in a...
  3. tjuice44

    Dressing Better Vol 2.0

    also, a friend of mine has a blog that i look at from time to time. great for ideas for those who are interested:
  4. tjuice44

    Dressing Better Vol 2.0

    personally  i don't like wearing black with navy...i feel like they're too similar and too different at the same time. it's weird to me.. a black suit can be accentuated with the right browns - of course the rest of the outfit has to agree (shirt, tie etc.) it's also hard to generalize because...
  5. tjuice44

    NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

    usually something on tap...stella, pilsner, becks, kronenbourg. I like pretty standard lagers although here in London you get a really wide variety of stuff. Some of the local beers aren't served cold - more slightly chilled I'd say. Can't stand beer that isn't ice cold.
  6. tjuice44

    Cocky v. Confident

    I think that cockiness isn't necessarily a bad thing. One of the GOAT's used to be cocky as hell - Muhammad Ali. I'd definitely say he was cocky and he backed up what he said. The dangers of being cocky is that you're putting yourself in a position where you COULD look really bad. Confidence...
  7. tjuice44

    New Season Thread Made, Move on Over :)

    it's a damn shame...what could have been. if he remained disciplined he would have filled a very nice niche role. his hustle was great and he WAS pretty solid on the defensive end. we need a defensive minded sg who can hit the 3 and a spark plug player off the bench (i.e. nate robinson - too...
  8. tjuice44

    Michael Phelps: If he has a bad 2012 Olympics does that tarnish his legacy?

    what he did in Beijing has cemented his history as one of the greatest olympians ever.
  9. tjuice44


    Sick! well done on these.
  10. tjuice44

    DMX How's It Goin Down APPRECIATION

    song was SOOO dope. the whole album was just crazy. X was very much appreciated
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