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Wariner got OUT but LeShawn is this dudes cryptonite.
USA 4x100 has been disqualified for a Lane Violation from Crawford to Patton. A protest has been filed, but as of right now they're out.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Jeremy Wariner is not winning another 400 race where Lashawn is entered

The torch is passed. Fuhgetaboutit

mentally its all over now.
what happened to this guys confidence
Few things..

1) There will be 10 runners in the 800 Final, those guys that fell got re-instated to the Finals.
2) USA seems to be out of the 4x100 decision looks like it won't change
3) JW BETTER NOT BE ON THE ANCHOR of the 4x400 or I'll be furious.
I really hate to brag... But i called the EXACT TIME.. 19.19 I've been on the road for over 20 hours, but i was able to see the results on my phone... Boltis simply disguisting.. There's really nothing else you can say about him.. He's the greatest sprinter ever And im glad that yall chilled out on the"historic matchup" between gay and bolt.. I been tellin yall he's no competition.. and he's no comparision.. its not close either.. i had tohold back on a lot of yall, but his running spoke enough volume This dude ran 19.19 and had a bad race.. Come on dog.. seriously? 5 Gold medals, 5 worldrecords... SMH sub 19 is sooner than we think.. I'm not ready for that day tho, i heart might stop when i see that.. real talk.. im not ready to see that
I cant wait for Allyson to get back to LA.. she's about to sign her contract extension within a couple weeks (either nike or adidas) AND she got that brandnew gold medal money.. Anybody tryna meet us in vegas let me know.. real talk
This dude ran 19.19 and had a bad race..
Which is the scary part.

edit: Well I wouldn't say bad but 2 things did stick out.

But then again the best races usually are the ones that aren't so perfect. MJ's 19.32 would've been lower if he didn't stumble out of blocks alittle.
Did tha IAAF even listen to the US about the 4x100 relay I was hearing last night on BBC that it was a done decision and they were out.

Ive gotta say when I saw wat happened I was shocked passing the baton b4 getting into the changeover box is a new one on me.

Its almost always changeing to late (outside the changeover box)dropping the baton or running into another lane its the first time I can remember when a guyrecieved the baton and hadnt yet got into the changover box.

I saw the replay and it definatley showed it clearly so I didnt understand wat case the US team had Im guessing the anchor just didnt go early enough or misstimed it completely.

Im now hopeing GBR can maybe get tha silver behind the Jamaicans as nice as that would be it takes away from another great Jamaica vs USA sprint match-up andseeing 4 disheartened Americans after theyve all ran great and still come second
I hope GBR doesn't get a Medal, they were the ones that filed the protest...
and now with Asafa injured this went from one of the best 4x100'sto a regular one.

So the U.S. has been disqualified from the Mens 4x100 Relay, I'm guessing NBC will be showing the Final LIVE during their broadcast today (1pm-3pm EST).

4x100 Metres Relay - M Final

37.10 Jamaica (JAM) - Beijing (National Stadium), 22/08/2008

22 August 2009 - 20:50

[table][tr][th=""]Lane[/th] [th=""]Team[/th] [th=""]Country[/th] [th=""]2009[/th] [th=""]PB[/th] [/tr][tr][td]1[/td] [td]France[/td] [td]
FRA[/td] [td]38.59[/td] [td]37.79[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2[/td] [td]Brazil[/td] [td]
BRA[/td] [td]38.72[/td] [td]37.90[/td] [/tr][tr][td]3[/td] [td]Great Britain & N.I.[/td] [td]
GBR[/td] [td]38.11[/td] [td]37.73[/td] [/tr][tr][td]4[/td] [td]Italy[/td] [td]
ITA[/td] [td]38.52[/td] [td]38.37[/td] [/tr][tr][td]5[/td] [td]Japan[/td] [td]
JPN[/td] [td]38.33[/td] [td]38.03[/td] [/tr][tr][td]6[/td] [td]Trinidad and Tobago[/td] [td]
TRI[/td] [td]38.37[/td] [td]38.00[/td] [/tr][tr][td]7[/td] [td]Jamaica[/td] [td]
JAM[/td] [td]38.10[/td] [td]37.10[/td] [/tr][tr][td]8[/td] [td]Canada[/td] [td]
CAN[/td] [td]38.60[/td] [td]37.69[/td] [/tr][/table]

Also today will be the Women's 5000 Final, 1st Round/Semi's of the Men's& Women's 4x400 Relay and the Semi's & Finals of the Women's 4x100 Relay. Field Finals willbe the Men's Long Jump, Men's Pole Vault Women's Hammer Throw.

Long Jump - M Final

8.95 Powell Mike (USA) - Tokyo, 30/08/1991

22 August 2009 - 18:05

[table][tr][th=""]Order[/th] [th=""]Bib[/th] [th=""]Athlete[/th] [th=""]Country[/th] [th=""]2009[/th] [th=""]PB[/th] [/tr][tr][td]1[/td] [td]517[/td] [td] Greg Rutherford [/td] [td]
GBR[/td] [td]8.30[/td] [td]8.30[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2[/td] [td]140[/td] [td] Fabrice Lapierre [/td] [td]
AUS[/td] [td]8.35[/td] [td]8.35[/td] [/tr][tr][td]3[/td] [td]477[/td] [td] Salim Sdiri [/td] [td]
FRA[/td] [td]8.42[/td] [td]8.42[/td] [/tr][tr][td]4[/td] [td]1218[/td] [td] Dwight Phillips [/td] [td]
USA[/td] [td]8.74[/td] [td]8.74[/td] [/tr][tr][td]5[/td] [td]587[/td] [td] Loúis Tsátoumas [/td] [td]
GRE[/td] [td]8.21[/td] [td]8.66[/td] [/tr][tr][td]6[/td] [td]966[/td] [td] Godfrey Khotso Mokoena [/td] [td]
RSA[/td] [td]8.50[/td] [td]8.50[/td] [/tr][tr][td]7[/td] [td]1194[/td] [td] Brian Johnson [/td] [td]
USA[/td] [td]8.28[/td] [td]8.33[/td] [/tr][tr][td]8[/td] [td]801[/td] [td] Yahya Berrabah [/td] [td]
MAR[/td] [td]8.38[/td] [td]8.38[/td] [/tr][tr][td]9[/td] [td]519[/td] [td] Christopher Tomlinson [/td] [td]
GBR[/td] [td]8.23[/td] [td]8.29[/td] [/tr][tr][td]10[/td] [td]206[/td] [td] Gable Garenamotse [/td] [td]
BOT[/td] [td]8.11[/td] [td]8.27[/td] [/tr][tr][td]11[/td] [td]149[/td] [td] Mitchell Watt [/td] [td]
AUS[/td] [td]8.43[/td] [td]8.43[/td] [/tr][tr][td]12[/td] [td]889[/td] [td] Irving Saladino [/td] [td]
PAN[/td] [td]8.63[/td] [td]8.73[/td] [/tr][/table]
Rules is rules man.

I had somebody run across me in a school race as I was about to pass the baton and had to pass it around him.

I was heated bout it to but we still beat them lol.

Aslong as we get tha baton round in regulation we should medal after all it wasnt that long ago we won Gold in the 4x100.

Allyson is simply amazing. Hopefully she'll eventually get that 200m gold in the Olympics so she won't turn into the Michelle Kwan of Track and Field
Coverage starting..

edit: Jamaica's Women 4x100 looking good in Round 1 41.89, SAF blazing in the 2nd leg.
Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

Coverage starting..

edit: Jamaica's Women 4x100 looking good in Round 1 41.89, SAF blazing in the 2nd leg.
on what? nbc showing 1pm eastern.

USA Women 4x100 Team is OUT OMG, they stay takingL's.

The exchange from Anderson to Muna Lee, ML got injured somehow...she got taken away on a stretcher either she sprained her ankle, pulled her hamstring orAnderson clipped her bad.

My goodness!

I'm watching through Channel Surfing via Universal Sports.
Muna Lee tripped over her own leg just after she took the baton and either had a bad hamstring cramp or shes pulled/torn it.

BBC interviewed the team and they took it very very well being more concerned for there teamate and blew off the race as nothing good to see.

I still think GBR a bunch of #%#**+@ for filing the complaint, they still qualified and it wasn't the finals, i hope they don't get a medal. Tis therules though.
So hold on NBC isn't showing the Finals that went down earlier this week?
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