♔ ~~~~| Celebrites Rockin Heat (fly gear/Fly kicks) VOL. 3 | ~~~~ ♔

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Still don't really know who this Iggy Azale (sp?) person actually is - she sings, I'm told.

But, people apparently have strong opinions.

...Now that is how you reply if you are too cool for this thread. :tongue:
She asked me why I took the pic and didn't want her face put out on here. Oh, and she cleans too. 
Face probably like a 3 which is why its hidden. You know its bad when you're ashamed of showing ya own wife's grill. booty maybe 6 on a good day if she worked out and got rid of that cottage cheese. Rest of the body is a 5 at best. So allow me to reiterate, stop posting avys of women you would never EVER pull or get stares from. It's merely a pipe dream, no pun intended
^^That's messed up, talking bout that man wife like that, over a celeb pic from last nite at that. I understand you're trying to get your post count up but dang!!
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That's loser status insulting someone's wife in this thread. You're officially too uncool for this thread now.
My bad guys. Thank you for the kind words!

Back on topic

Game with "Oreo 5s", toothpick/carrot legs got the bugs bunnies.

16 and pregnat must pay well. $3200 for his son and he got the shooting stars on. 
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