♔ ~~~~| Celebrites Rockin Heat (fly gear/Fly kicks) VOL. 3 | ~~~~ ♔

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The operative word is "occasionally"

As far as people you know, that's called "anecdotal evidence" and it doesn't mean anything. ....Plus, its not like you have a control group in that scenario - how do you know what any person would look like had that same person done or not done XYZ.

Lebron has looked older than Wade his whole life. He had an NBA body in high school - he's a genetic freak. Drawing any conclusion about anything based on the appearance of professional athletes is flawed from the start because you are dealing some of the mos tgenetically-gifted folks on the planet, who had then trained continuously and with world class support their entire adult lives.
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I wasn't really callin bron out on drinking I just never knew he drank - its actually a reason Id say hes looking older carrying all that stress without a release with all the pressure hes under its remarkable to see how he deals with it all - he must be very tight with his family and friends.

As for the whole headband thing, hes prob hiding the huge scar on the back of his head more than the hairline.
im sure he doesn't drink like crazy but def does here and there
i remember reading in some article him admitting to having smoked trees before too lol

i mean its understandable ... you come up just killlllin it in HS on a national level-- you know for a fact you're the most popular kid around
mix him with the other popular kids who are either cool or just thugs... you know a few things are bound to happen..

smoking and drinking will make you age in the face... in all those pics.. he looks older than wade who is 3 years older than him..
but after playing nearly the full NBA game and depleting your body's stores of nutrients/energy... then drinking champagne right after must give you the WORST stomach cramps lol
theirs PLENTY of NBA players that drink/smoke during the off season this aint nothin new
why wait for the off season? SMH

What's up with dude on the right? In the club with a waffle...

LMAO this pic gets better and better :lol:

what the **** is he doing with a waffle though? :lol:
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That's not a waffle :lol: that's the back of a pizza

lol...idk man if that's a pizza they cooked it in a waffle iron

They were eating waffles in the club that night...

As for the food .... we're told Prime 112 (one of the best restaurants in Miami) sent over a ton of free eats -- Kobe sliders (oh, the irony), chicken and waffles, shrimp cocktails, and fried shrimp.
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