♚ Sacramento Kings ♚ Off-Season Thread

What happened to Tyreke "wearing a mouthguard" He was supposed to be wearing it since the beginning of last season.
friggin suhweeeeeet
the Maloofs just keep piling it on

http://blogs.sacbee.com/sports/kings/archives/2012/04/adrienne-maloof.htmlAdrienne Maloof to represent Kings at NBA Draft Lottery

Well, now it's Adrienne Maloof's turn. I was just told that the only female among the Maloof siblings will represent the Kings at the NBA Draft Lottery on May 30 in New York. The Lottery process - which is weighted to favor the teams with the poorest records - determines the drafting order for non-playoff teams. Former Kings star Chris Webber and Sacramento mayor Kevin Johnson are among those who previously represented the team at the annual event. This year's projected No.1 prize: Kentucky's Anthony Davis.

Read more here: http://blogs.sacbee.com/s...aloof.html#storylink=cpy
ah bummer

Statement from Maloof Representative Eric Rose regarding Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson's meeting with George Maloof in Las Vegas: 

"This afternoon Mayor Kevin Johnson had a meeting at the Palms Hotel and meet with George Maloof for nearly an hour. The meeting was cordial; however, nothing definitive resulted from the meeting. The Maloof family will not have any further comments on the meeting." #nbakings

Ugh our transition D is horrid. Can't even make a pass in the halfcourt
Statement from Kevin Johnson's rep Joaquin McPeek about mayor's meeting with George Maloof:
"Today, Mayor Johnson flew to Las Vegas and had a productive meeting with George Maloof. Although the core principles of the deal weren't discussed, both sides agreed that open lines of communication would be in everyone's best interest moving ahead. In that spirit, the parties agreed to have a follow up conversation early next week."
DMC having probably the worst half of the season.... 3-14 at the half
How the #@%% is that not a mother %+@*$@% foul.... are you %+@*$@% kidding me
Refs are starting to help out DMC just a bit...

Kings are playing really sloppy. A little surprised OKC hasn't pulled away yet
DMC is slowly coming alive...

4 of 5 starters have 12+ points........ the 5th, Travis Outlaw, is scoreless
Harden with the mid court raping of IT in front of the ref. Not exactly sure how that's not an offensive foul
Cisco with his best Ibaka impression

DMC with a nice little and-1
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