That confused me. I've never heard of a veteran lesbian rejecting a girl because she's a rookie lesbian. If you just wanted to be her friend and nothing more then just say it without that lame can't date a new lesbian excuse. She should know Alex was into her with the way she's always happy to see her.

The whole jimmy olsen becoming a masked hero is so dumb. Like his whole motivation doesn't make much sense. He wants to help people because his friends are superheroes with costumes. What training or skills does he even have? If Winn can make strong metal suits like that then he should be making them for all the DOE field agents.

Them expecting Mon-El to be a hero like Kara just because he has powers wasn't fair. Basically making him feel bad for not fighting dangerous people and risking his life.
I lost interest when I read that Sawyer curbed Alex. Lmao.

I stopped watching halfway through episode 5.
They should've had Jimmy kidnapped and tortured, then his new gf or brother/sister/mother/father killed to be more of a motivation for him to become a masked viglante.
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Man I just got to the the Jimmy becoming a vigilante. Most random thing ever. I would never do such a thing if I had two friends with powers like Kara and Clark :lol:

Mon El and Kara ain't going to hook up. But I like the direction they going with their relationship.
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I really like Supergirl this season.

They low key got a nice cast.

Mon-el, M'gan and
Sawyer are really nice additions

The Jimmy and Winn trying to get into crime fighting has its potential

Creating the bar as a hang out adds another dimension to the show.

Feel like the show really improved from last season. I'm now wondering now if Flash and LoT made similar leaps. Still really out of touch with both.


Climate change
Gun control

Show covered every talking point before episode 5. Now all they got to do is cover taxes and foreign policy :lol:
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S2 of Flash is in many ways better than S1 just cuz of Zoom alone.

S2 of LoT is easily better than S1. EASILY. The best improvement is wild and it can only get better if they kill or minimize certain characters.
I've watched maybe 60-70 percent of Flash s2. Idk. For me I got turned off by something, can't really tell you what it was. But how is season 3 so far compared to 2?
Mixed bag. You know I already rate S2 highly.

I'd say ignoring certain new things S3 is kinda back to the S1 format but not as good just cuz it is the 3rd season.
Kara is such a dummy, why would she agree to draining herself of her power when they finally let her out of the unbreakable cage?
I ain't even seen the episode yet to know the context of that decision but judging by just your post, it seems like another case of cw plot induced stupidity.
From characters coming out to each other to female relationship angst, I'm good on ever watching this show. This had nothing to do with the Flash. Baited people who don't watch this show into doing just that.
Never implied that. Subject matter doesn't belong on a network catered to the teen demographic. No wonder it failed on CBS. Doesn't help it is the weakest of Berlanti's shows.
Ehh this is my favorite of the cw superhero shows right now, with Flash second, LoT 3rd and Arrow way way way last. But I can understand that supergirl isn't for everybody.

Alex got the yambs ehh :evil:
Never implied that. Subject matter doesn't belong on a network catered to the teen demographic. No wonder it failed on CBS. Doesn't help it is the weakest of Berlanti's shows.
Quite the opposite.

Teenage girls love that teen love triangles and drama. Doesn't matter if their lesbians. I was expecting this show to get more like the Vampire Diaries when it came to characters socializing.
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I forgot cisco could open up portals. I was wondering who the hell kept opening one up but not going through it.
Yeah that was really lame. It was the end of the episode and i'm like when is the crossover happening in this episode. Definitely not a 4 night / 4 episode event.
Also the excuse was bull ****. Cisco has no problem opening up breaches to other worlds and to the right world since last season.

They literally just sent a message to a dozen worlds and then opened the right one to get HR :lol:
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