⚽️The Footy Thread: German Super Cup, International Champions Cup, Copa Libertadores

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Roma is trending worldwide :lol:

Dembele, run far farrr away. Don’t look back, just run until you hit France.
#HotTake - Ronaldo would have taken this game over for his team solo dolo. World Cup Messi came to play today.
We played a decent second half against Ajax in the first leg and prevented them from scoring again but let's not forget how thoroughly Ajax dominated us in the first half.
The upside was that, relatively speaking, only conceding that one goal while constantly getting outplayed at every turn throughout that half was a good result for us. It could've been a lot worse.

At least we have Son back for tomorrow but I don't think we're the favorites
valverde out

Barca could've used those Prem proven defenders today:rofl:

That beautiful la liga football beaten by the pace and power of the EPL.:rofl:
I dont understand Valverdes decision making in this game. Youre in deseprate need of width have Malcom on the bench game has been open and there is the possibility you could spring a counter and get the one goal that kills it. So he takes of Coutinho for Semedo and moves Vidal to LM in a 4-4-2...makes no sense. i understand wanting to get Semedo on the pitch but not in that way made no sense
que desastre

Barca never made it to Anfield

What is amazing is that they kept a clean sheet even though the opponent knew you had to attack and score 3-4 goals to stay alive. What were the Barca 11 playing for? Either take a page from Mourinho and park the bus (anti-futbol) or go down swinging and lose 8-4.

Epic collapse. This might beat the warriors and atlanta falcons collapse.

Messi is still the GOAT. He just stayed home today lol

Condolences to all my fellow Barca fans.
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You dont lose a 3-0 aggregate by yourself. FOH with all these Messi ain't the GOAT narratives. I have people in my circle taking all the shots rn. CR7 lost to Ajax too...its not like these guys failed to score, their managers and defenses let em down. But let's all run with the Messi/CR7 ain't GOATS because their team let em down :lol:
#HotTake - Ronaldo would have taken this game over for his team solo dolo. World Cup Messi came to play today.

Man what?

Ronaldo was practically nonexistent in the 2nd leg against Ajax in the 2nd half.

Messi is great.

Ronaldo is great.

Why do some of y’all always choose to do this when either of the two lose an important game?

Messi didn’t conceded 4 goals today, ter stegen and Barcelona’s defense did.
To be fair, in any other season, this Pool team would've been PL champions. Anfield is up there as one of the hardest places to play in Europe. Pool are a different monster when playing in front of the Kop.

Valverde might have lost his job today. No way you don't play Malcolm tonight.
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