Who Will Win Champions League?

  • Bayern Munich

  • Paris Saint-Germain

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Caliagri (sp?) Have a reputation for doing this

Yep. Found my old post from their foolishness last season

Also reading up on their city this **** seems to be in their fabric.
Their club crest

Their cities flag and coat of arms


St George's Cross and four heads of Moors, which in the past were not forehead bandaged but blindfolded and turned towards the left. The most accepted hypothesis is that the heads represented the heads of Moorish princes defeated by the Aragonese....

It was said that St. Georgemiraculously appeared on the field of battle and that there were four severed heads of Saracen kings at the end; thus the red cross and white background of the St George's Cross and the heads of four Moors.
Just out here rocking the severed heads of black men as trophies of war on their city flag and represented in their club crest :smh:
Went to the quakes/Orlando game last night for Portuguese heritage night and got Nani to sign my shirt. Wanted to ask him if he could sign it with his last name since we have the same name but I stumbled my Portuguese words. I literally acted like a teenage girl after. Lolol. Who’s the dude from few years ago that trolled us with his love for Nani? I criticized Nani for years but I love this Portuguese legend. Didn’t realize Nani looked smaller in person. I’m no giant but I’m average and he was the same size as me.


Went to the quakes/Orlando game last night for Portuguese heritage night and got Nani to sign my shirt. Wanted to ask him if he could sign it with his last name since we have the same name but I stumbled my Portuguese words. I literally acted like a teenage girl after. Lolol. Who’s the dude from few years ago that trolled us with his love for Nani? I criticized Nani for years but I love this Portuguese legend. Didn’t realize Nani looked smaller in person. I’m no giant but I’m average and he was the same size as me.



@fluid hips is the resident Nani homer :lol:

You say he's small in person, what are your measurements? (pause)

I said it before, but footballers in real life aren't that big. When I met the whole Spanish NT, the tallest guys were Ramos, Martinez, and Piqué. Santi Cazorla was shorter than me (i'm about 5'7) but he was built like a tank.
Went to the quakes/Orlando game last night for Portuguese heritage night and got Nani to sign my shirt. Wanted to ask him if he could sign it with his last name since we have the same name but I stumbled my Portuguese words. I literally acted like a teenage girl after. Lolol. Who’s the dude from few years ago that trolled us with his love for Nani? I criticized Nani for years but I love this Portuguese legend. Didn’t realize Nani looked smaller in person. I’m no giant but I’m average and he was the same size as me.



You could have told him in English, he understands English. :lol:

Which Portugal Jersey is that tho?
Bro, Juanma coming for Cristobal Soria’s head LOL

This is probably Spain’s second greatest rivalry, look at Soria’s face :lol:

“Se queda”

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When i went to go see Real Madrid training, them dudes looked frail and like midgets. Hazard looked small as hell lol. Im 5’10
@fluid hips is the resident Nani homer :lol:

You say he's small in person, what are your measurements? (pause)

I said it before, but footballers in real life aren't that big. When I met the whole Spanish NT, the tallest guys were Ramos, Martinez, and Piqué. Santi Cazorla was shorter than me (i'm about 5'7) but he was built like a tank.

Ayo. Hahaha. I’m about 5’8. 5’9 on a good day. Their lower bodies are like tree trunks with veins popping out everywhere.

Didn’t fluid hips have like five previous screen names? Trying to remember what they were.
I’m drunk right now so I’m gonna say this. I’m not a huge fan of Bruno going to RM because I literally have NO IDEA what RM are doing anymore.

I saw what Zidane did with Ceballos etc, and I don’t get it. He better play Bruno, don’t want him rotting on the bench.
Understandable, I only recognized it because I bought one a while back. They rarely wore it! I wish the team wore black kits more regularly

I wish they would have black in the rotation for a whole cyle. The 2006 one was their road but they wore it like three times at most. The 2013 I think they only wore it once. And then the 2015 like twice.

Since you’re mostly in the South Bay or closer than the city, did you know the earthquakes have Portuguese heritage nights and had in years prior they brought in retired Portuguese players? I knew they’ve been doing it for a few years like the rest of the teams in the Bay Area but never knew they brought people in. They’ve brought in simão, Ricardo the gk, and nuno Gomes I think. Was talking to the dude that organizes it and he’s hoping to bring in figo in the future but probably will have to settle for postiga. Hahaha
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