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Did not realize Chelsea Citeh was the early game today :lol:, glad it doesn't look like I missed too much
It's kind of crazy when you really think about it. What player(non goalkeeper) from Euro 2004 is still actively playing besides Cristiano?

No matter how much training and healthy eating he does, he has to accept time and age has caught up to him
Ibra and Buffon are the only ones that come to mind
Nearly at Division 2, this lineup/formation has been great for me lately. Grabbin VVD soon and I might have to start giving Edouard the start over Ronnie cause he’s been a beast for me so far



I'm kicking myself for not doing that Edouard SBC..he such a beast in-game
Loved him at Villa but was def surprised he became the most expensive transfer ever in the Prem :lol:

Even though he's in a different role, still don't know why he hasn't really caught on yet for you guys

Not just a different role but he’s gotta learn how to play football differently too. He’s not seeing the wide open spaces like at villa. city see teams defend ten deep almost every week and now he’s gotta learn how to play against that which is a very different style of play. Few dudes catch on to what pep want the first year so I’m not worried about him till at least half way through next season
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