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Honestly would rather Matic start more often than not over McTom. He might not have the legs to play every 3-4 days anymore but whenever he does play he offers so much more especially on the ball. His footwork and passing are underrated and he makes a lot of good runs.

Midfield is much more controlled with him there with Fred.

Just hammers the point home again about how transformative a quality DM would be to this squad.


Honestly would rather Matic start more often than not over McTom. He might not have the legs to play every 3-4 days anymore but whenever he does play he offers so much more especially on the ball. His footwork and passing are underrated and he makes a lot of good runs.

Midfield is much more controlled with him there with Fred.

Just hammers the point home again about how transformative a quality DM would be to this squad.

Depends on the opposition for me. Matic is bbq chicken against a high pressing team. Wish we got him in his prime. DM and Striker got to be the priorities.
Wow... thought they said he'd never play again

Took an excerpt from this article written last July to help better understand why he can play

Later in the week, it emerged that Eriksen elected to have an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) fitted.

Speaking to BBC Radio 4, Professor Sharma explained that an ICD is “a small device that's inserted just below the level of the collarbone and is attached to a lead which goes to the heart and monitors the heart, day and night and looks for potentially fatal rhythms. If it detects them it delivers a shock to actually restore normal rhythm.”

Professor Sharma highlighted evidence that people may still be able to compete with a defibrillator fitted. “There was a large study of over 400 individuals who were competitive athletes and had ICDs put into them,” he said. “These people continued to exercise, some against medical advice, and they were followed up for 44 months and in that time, there were no adverse cardiac events, so there is a possibility that he will be able to play.”
Smh I threw a few bucks on United -1.5 when they were killing then the first half
Bastards :lol:
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