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I actually fell asleep during halftime but looks like I didn’t miss much :lol:

Need to pick it up and move on, the remaining games will make or break the entire season
Just looked at Arsenal’s remaining matches. Interesting.
I didn't watch Chelsea game but geez @ the score

I guess Tuchel wanted to save some best players for tomorrow's game

Geez @ the speed Manchester clubs catching up in the last few years

Chelsea spent well in the late 90s before Roman bought. Roman brought the club & PL to the next level :lol:

Wait, it's all Chelsea's fault? :lol:

Conor Gallagher :pimp:

Nah man don't let that clown rep Arsenal fans. He's the most deluded AFTV fan cam person ever. Seems like a nice guy but he's a fool.

Busy with work so missed the game. Bad enough it was a massacre but now KT and Partey out!... CL aint happening.
Haven't heard too much noise about the CL Quarter final matches this week :lol:

Got 'Pool - Benfica and Citeh - Atleti later
Hope the Chelsea supporters give them a warm welcoming :evil:
There's probably some UK wsb folks, or constitution DAO folk, that wouldn't mind catching Ken in the street. Get the weaponized [redacted term] of r/gunners to track their flight and private car and some real **** could go down.
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