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Lol English pundits I’m listening to already sleeping on us for the next round. That’s where we thrive most.
Tuchel came out with a genius plan. Our lineup and setup for this match were obvious, and he figured out exactly how to counter it to a tee. Got his side up 3 nil. Then Carlo did what he does and waited forever to make subs, and that’s when a lot of the tactical preparation where Tuchel had us went out the window and it came down to the players and the moments. Godric to Rodrygo, Vini to Benz.
Them English pundits be putting the prem at a pedestal. I don’t think it was a good idea that it was my intro to this sport back then. :lol:
Assuming RM goes on to win the league, this season has to for sure go down as a success, regardless of Carlo. La Liga title and CL semi at least, defeating the dream team and defending champs to get there. Proud of the club.

And the added bonus of likely securing the signature of the world’s most talented player.
What a battle!

Sometimes I hate watching footy games at work. Too much stressful while my colleagues wonder what the heck is wrong with me :lol:

Alonso and Werner played their hearts out!
Mount been balling since he got a haircut. No more shaggy hair, Mason
I hope new owner give a nod to the club for giving Rudi a new contract



Them English pundits be putting the prem at a pedestal. I don’t think it was a good idea that it was my intro to this sport back then. :lol:

A lot of folks in this thread are sad today too. I think this is the stage where you can officially say with 2 Spanish clubs in the CL semis that la farma jokes have entered their offseason for 21/22.
What a battle!

Sometimes I hate watching footy games at work. Too much stressful while my colleagues wonder what the heck is wrong with me :lol:

Alonso and Werner played their hearts out!
Mount been balling since he got a haircut. No more shaggy hair, Mason
I hope new owner give a nod to the club for giving Rudi a new contract


Yea idk where the rather losing 4-0 came from. Y’all fought, players showed heart. Should def be proud of the response. Plus realistically, teams don’t repeat in the CL, except for one. For real tho gg, clubs gave us a classic.
A lot of folks in this thread are sad today too. I think this is the stage where you can officially say with 2 Spanish clubs in the CL semis that la farma jokes have entered their offseason for 21/22.
Imagine Atletico beating us tmrw. Kimchi Papi Kimchi Papi gonna rise from the depths of Bolivia and write an essay on despite La Liga having the monetary disadvantage over the Premier League they play a better way of footy or something a long those lines :lol:
This is one of the most liked tweets I’ve see on this page in a minute

Rest is RM stuff from it

This explains a lot :lol:


Benz looking at Carva and LV, then Reece - “I do the recruitin”

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