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He’s done what now

Hopefully this takes the spotlight away from when we get our cheeks clapped by Chelsea tomorrow
I’m getting cooked at work with my United jersey on. I gotta switch at lunch break
I delivered mail to a guy who has a Liverpool flag outside his house everyday.. and made sure to stuck my head (manU hat( all close to his ring bell. Yikessss. Then deliver to a wine spot.. little did i know a footy dude worked there and got flamed. Im furious.
United team gotta be cleared. Take the loss and offload players for cheap. Keep De Gea.
I feel de gea doing all these wonder saves bcz he doest really command the back line. I never seen mans bark at defenders. Like a buffon or whatevs.
So tired of ex players. They are also the problem. Liverpool showed they are miles ahead of us once again. Very classy support for Ronnie.. hats off to you guys. It’s not even fun watching United anymore
So tired of ex players. They are also the problem. Liverpool showed they are miles ahead of us once again. Very classy support for Ronnie.. hats off to you guys. It’s not even fun watching United anymore
Keane is speaking facts though. These players have mentally checked out. They are more focused on the summer holiday. Absolutely no fighting spirit to even get one goal. Players just getting paid to live lavishly
Inter Fort Lauderdale go thru the next round after beating Miami FC

Pulling for DCFC to knock off the Crew
One thing that i find puzzling in the post match interviews in these poor results we've seen players like DDG, Fernandes get interviewed but what about Maguire he's the so called captain shouldn't he be fronting it.
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