⭐ OFFICIAL 2020-2021 NBA Off-Season Thread: Olympics begin 7/23; NBA Draft 7/29⭐

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My man out here posting blue book values on thots :lol:
Fam she was down here during the all time blizzard. Imagine how a ***** look calling and pulling up to the hotel risking their lives driving on closed roads to pay for some *****. For those asking nah I didn't book. ****** was snowed in with no water and electricity plus I'm teamcuffed anyways =( She cone through when circumstances align better though. Sheyyid

C U L T U R E!!!!

I keep seeing people with their panties in a bunch about Luka starting over Dame in the ASG so I went to look at the official results.

Last year...Trae started because he won both the fan and media votes. This year...Luka only won the fan vote. If the fans make up 50% of the vote and Players/Media make up the other 50...what determines the tie breaker if it's split?
Luka and Dame tied the players-media voting. So they went with popular fan votes as the tie breaker.
I keep seeing people with their panties in a bunch about Luka starting over Dame in the ASG so I went to look at the official results.

Last year...Trae started because he won both the fan and media votes. This year...Luka only won the fan vote. If the fans make up 50% of the vote and Players/Media make up the other 50...what determines the tie breaker if it's split?
Fans really like Luka huh >D
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