🌩 Black Lightning (CW Series) Series Finale! 🌩

I enjoy how it doesn’t feel campyand procedural yet like the other CW Superhero shows. No hanging out in a secret lair waiting for the next problem.
Black Lightning needs a pep talk to beat the latest villain of the week :lol:

That's when you'll know the show fell off.

It really is dealing with inner city issues. So the show is just as much about the politics and culture of the real world many of us experience. Can't make that continuously cheesey and campy and expect it to last.

Smart decisions by the creator(s), producers, writers, and showrunner.
The only negative I have is that the ex wife is starting to get mad annoying ( it was ok when Jefferson suited up to rescue his daughters, but she gets mad when he suits up to help someone else...:smh:).
That's an area I give some leeway.

Given this is a more adult hero who retired and is coming back we know he's had his battles. So for the (ex)wife they gotta tell more than show (do flashbacks which I don't think they'll do a lot of).

I think of it in terms of Spider-Man comics; Just from the 80s to the 2000s he's been through a lot of ****. Life threatening, friends and family, all sorts of torturous ****. He was married the whole time. Now BL don't got a healing factor so it was worse. I can totally understand my wife being sick of me coming home with bullet wounds and bruised/busted ribs. Then even when he stops the marriage leads to a divorce but a door open to get back together.

I went to the BL FB page and saw a lot of women complaining about that lesbian scene. Talking about they had to turn it off because their kids were watching. SMH, if they bothered to pay attention this show ain't for kids.
BLACK LIGHTNING Executive Producer Wants STATIC SHOCK To Appear On The Show

The CW's new Black Lightning superhero series is off to a strong start in both ratings and critic reviews. That has the show's executive producer, Salim Akil, looking to the future with talk of a desire for Static Shock to cameo. With Black Lightning not part of the Arrowverse, there's the possibility of The CW creating a new superhero universe, a Lightningverse, so to speak. After all, who knows how long Arrow will continue and the ratings for The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow are both down this year.

"..we want to entertain. I know this show is topical and it has some political merit to it, but we also want to entertain and make people laugh and get them excited about the fight sequences, and the characters that are coming in, as well as the villains that are coming in. We hope it will be a well-rounded experience so yes, we’d love to see other superheroes come through. Static could be interesting."
Yes please!!! I'm also glad this show isn't in the arrowverse. But instead why not do a Milestone universe? I could picture static shock and Icon showing up.
I guess I'll check this out eventually. Thought it would be corny
First episode felt like a soap opera. Interesting how fast they ratcheted things up in the two following episodes.
That conversation the youngest daughter had with her parents about her having sex..........:smh:............I couldn't have had that convo with my parents. And then Jefferson told his ex the next day at school that was some white people stuff :rofl:
Love this show!

Please keep Arrowverse away from this
I hope to god this stays away from Arrow & co. The Supergirl reference made my heart skip but seeing the outsiders comic makes me think its not in the Supergirl universe and she's just a comic book character
The show has mentioned/referenced metahuman/vigilantes in other cities though.

So I do wonder if there could be a version of some heroes or a chance to debut some new ones.

Plus I know eventually CW will cave and have BL be a part of their yearly crossover at some point.
Bet the daughter ends up in a x-over, but BL is too old to run with the crew.
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