kb24strikesagain kb24strikesagain , no. That's my personal pair. Soles are cracked now but I wore them off and on from 2004 until about 2 years ago. Picked them up DS from eBay at a great price back then. It's such a dope shoe!

Here are some shots of them if you're curious.

Nice pics. I had a few pairs of the Futures. Definitely a comfortable shoe. I always thought the shape was a little strange but hoping for a retro. Of course the leather will most likely not compare on them. Those look to be in pretty good condition.
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Definitely an odd shape, but I would scoop a retro for sure. The uppers are still in excellent shape, but the midsoles just barely started to crack. Maybe I should just go all in and wear them until they fall apart!
Definitely an odd shape, but I would scoop a retro for sure. The uppers are still in excellent shape, but the midsoles just barely started to crack. Maybe I should just go all in and wear them until they fall apart!
Flares are sure to go cheaper = sole swap if necessary, though color matching won't be perfect. I've got a good pair of futures that won't be crumbling anytime soon, but it would be nice to have pressure in the air soles again... But I'm sure the Flares don't have forefoot air
Didn't even think of that! My nephew plays. Maybe I'll go to the courts and at hit around with him.
Been playing in my 2007 Hot Lavas.  Outsoles are holding up reasonably well, but obvs some of the tread has gone.  Maybe it's time to retire them for the 2006 ATC3.  
As soon as I get my hands on a pair of the atcIII I will definetly rock en on court! Thats what they are made for. If they would go on sale I'll grab an extra pair to put on the shelve
got my size 12 volt from kicks usa, for 96.00 SHIPPED!!!! killer deal

THX VIG and repped

i wouldnt of got em if not 4 that code!
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Hmm... I called up a friend of mine who wears a 12 too. He also bought a pair. That's 4 size 12s... I think someone is going to be disappointed. Surely they didn't get 4 full size runs..
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