They are not doing it for the oldheads. You can bet your *** their primary market is the under 25, the gym frequenters, and people who play casual sports
They are not doing it for the oldheads. You can bet your *** their primary market is the under 25, the gym frequenters, and people who play casual sports
I disagree, they haven't promoted these shoes enough to cater to the younger masses. Sites have done more promoting than Nike, even comparing these to Yeezys. These shoes are meant for fans of the shoe and player, had the sneaker sites not shown these on their sites I think they would have slipped through the cracks like the 180 Force airs and huaraches.
My bad i shouldve clarified. I meant NSW and JB in general. I think they choose colorways based on the same marketing strategies. When the infrared VIs came out, all these kids were saying varsity red was better and that infrared was too pink. Many younger guys prefer the newer colorways to the OGs which is why nike is popping out new colorways that hardcore collectors dont seem to care about. Same thing happened with the Revolutions when those reretroed for instance. Even the AM1s are sometimes like that.
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My bad i shouldve clarified. I meant NSW and JB in general. I think they choose colorways based on the same marketing strategies. When the infrared VIs came out, all these kids were saying varsity red was better and that infrared was too pink. Many younger guys prefer the newer colorways to the OGs which is why nike is popping out new colorways that hardcore collectors dont seem to care about. Same thing haopened with the Revolutions when those reretroed.
I agree with you, these younger cats like the more vibrant colored shoes.
anyone still looking for tarts in a 10.5? 
turbo greens are an easy pass for me.

next ATC pickups for me will be the kumquats & poison greens
Grand slam pack is nice too don't sleep on em. The Aus Opens look far better in person. Hope the French Opens are the same.

I used to lke the Lavas way better than the clays but these new pics make me reconsider! Did tink design all OG colorways for all the shoes he made or just the shoe itself? If so he really has an eye for color coordination.
Grand slam pack is nice too don't sleep on em. The Aus Opens look far better in person. Hope the French Opens are the same.

The Aus Opens are the best pickup I've made this year. In terms of quality they are unreal, the leather is some of the best I've seen put on a nike release along with the Tiempo x Materazzi Jordan colorways this year. I've worn my Aussies twice and every time peoples jaws drop and they want to touch the leather.

I used to lke the Lavas way better than the clays but these new pics make me reconsider! Did tink design all OG colorways for all the shoes he made or just the shoe itself? If so he really has an eye for color coordination.
Agreed. WIll cop the french opens if I like em. After waiting for the Kumquats and Clays to drop in price I am done with this shoe for the year unless I can find some US Opens. Wimbledons still my favorite pickup for the year and top 5 in at least 5 years.
why i'll never go to one of these :x
Yeah man, that was the first time I had gone to one of those in a long time. It was also my last time after how disappointing it was :lol:

They look amazing in this pic, the leather looks great on those.

That leather is so crazy, Nike really did those right. Shame about the availability..
THIS! Just wish that they were a little more available.

And congrats on scooping a pair carterman904 carterman904 , definitely looks like $220 well spent!
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 I saw this photo from the DMV Sneaker Con and its a pretty interesting combo. Not sure how I feel about it exactly but interesting nonetheless 
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