🦉The Official Drake Thread6️⃣ - Drake & PND Album Fall 2024

Maybe nobody cares enough to change your opinion or care to explain why they like something . Based on your comments about dude, you not only don't like his music you seem not to like him as a person lol. Don't try to convince us who appreciate the dudes music not to and we won't try to convince you that's he good.

How are you going to call something album of the year when it hasn't released?

Oh and Drake is as real as it gets? He's still lame for that Wu-Tang Forever Title, and the way he rides Aaliyah like he knew her, and never met her, oh ok.

Aubrey started from the bottom? More like started from a wheel-chair.

Nobody has still told me why Take Care was such a great album other than the fact he mixed R&B and Rap together.

If you asked me to tell you why MBDTF is a great album, I could write a damn essay on it. So someone tell me, what makes Take Care a great album, please convince me. The only reason I can even think someone would love Take Care is for it being relatable in the ways of being a simp. I can't think of any other reason.

And speaking of someone else who raps and sings and released an album in 2011... Camp > Take Care. Ya, I said it.

No meed to try and convince you. Your mind is already made up. Youre calling him lame for riding aaliyah and for being on degrassi in a wheelchair. None of those things have nothing to do with the music, which speaks to how you already don't like drake.

And besides if you don't like take care then that's fine. No one needs to try and convince you or make you like it. Its been out since 2011, if you don't like it by now you probably won't which is fine. Music is subjective.

And no one is going to ask you abt mbdtf g...its a drake thread :lol:
How are you going to call something album of the year when it hasn't released?

Oh and Drake is as real as it gets? He's still lame for that Wu-Tang Forever Title, and the way he rides Aaliyah like he knew her, and never met her, oh ok.

Aubrey started from the bottom? More like started from a wheel-chair.

Nobody has still told me why Take Care was such a great album other than the fact he mixed R&B and Rap together.

If you asked me to tell you why MBDTF is a great album, I could write a damn essay on it. So someone tell me, what makes Take Care a great album, please convince me. The only reason I can even think someone would love Take Care is for it being relatable in the ways of being a simp. I can't think of any other reason.

And speaking of someone else who raps and sings and released an album in 2011... Camp > Take Care. Ya, I said it.

No meed to try and convince you. Your mind is already made up. Youre calling him lame for riding aaliyah and for being on degrassi in a wheelchair. None of those things have nothing to do with the music, which speaks to how you already don't like drake.

And besides if you don't like take care then that's fine. No one needs to try and convince you or make you like it. Its been out since 2011, if you don't like it by now you probably won't which is fine. Music is subjective.

And no one is going to ask you abt mbdtf g...its a drake thread :lol:
I wasn't saying those things to discredit Drake, I was saying how is he the realest out when those facts certainly do not equate to being real.

And I'm not asking for anyone to convince me to like Drake or Take Care, I am truly curious as to what everyone finds so great about the album. It seriously blows my mind that it receives the praise it does. I guess it will continue to be an unsolved mystery. :wink:
I wasn't saying those things to discredit Drake, I was saying how is he the realest out when those facts certainly do not equate to being real.

And I'm not asking for anyone to convince me to like Drake or Take Care, I am truly curious as to what everyone finds so great about the album. It seriously blows my mind that it receives the praise it does. I guess it will continue to be an unsolved mystery.
But you have to realize that its harder to find someone who doesn't like Take Care than someone who does like it. People like it cause it was amazing. 
That's a horrible argument though, if I went surveyed 100 random people, not NTers, just random people at a Drake show, and asked them if they enjoyed WTT or The Carter IV more, more people would say the Carter IV.

Just because more people like it doesn't make it better.

Trust me, most of my friends don't like Acid Rap, but I think Acid Rap is amazing and might be the best hip hop release of 2013.

But you are 100% correct, music is subjective. I very big on production, and honestly, most of the production Drake uses doesn't appeal to me that much. Hence why I loved Lord Knows from Take Care... the production on it is great to me. I grew up on Just Blaze production. And in general I dislike pop music, a lot of Drake's music just feels too poppy to me. This is why I love MCHG so much, I'll agree Jay's raps at times are repetitive, but the production on that album is great IMO. Aside from 2-3 songs.

Drake can definitely rap, I will give him credit there. When put over the right beat, Drake is great. I liked him On Aston Martin Music (when he rapped) 9 AM in Dallas, 5 AM in Toronto was cool, I almost prefer Drake's verse to Jay-Z's on Light Up, Fear is a great song...... I by no means hate Drake. Dude has made some great songs. But Take Care was meh to me. Some songs were cool, but as a whole it's meh.

But as you said, music is subjective. I'll leave it at that and stop bashing the man :rofl:
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How are you going to call something album of the year when it hasn't released?

Oh and Drake is as real as it gets? He's still lame for that Wu-Tang Forever Title, and the way he rides Aaliyah like he knew her, and never met her, oh ok.
@ you calling someone a lame.  If I recall, your lame a** was too ***** to get a pic of a "no trespassing" sign.  Had some other dude come through with a pic of the sign AND him standing to next to the b****.  Your opinion has been null and void since.  Now, if you will...

For the uninformed: http://niketalk.com/t/261393/can-this-be-legal-crazy-long-driveway-sign-warns-nobody-gets-out-alive
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Yeah, I was referring to males.

Hence, why it pisses males off (my original point).

The fact that you countered w/ a female only makes my point stronger.

Not sure if serious?

Went back to your original post. It says "nobody". And at no other time did you mention the gender of the artist being an issue. And how does her being a female make your point stronger. You really need to step up your debating skills. 
Im sorry, I just don't find any masculinity in singing a drake song.............Yall saying his albums are better than Jay-Z's is quite ridiculous also. Lyrical content is simple coming from the coolest simp in music history...............
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I'd rather hear Z-Ro and Chamillionaire sing than Drake honestly :lol:


The slurping in here is ridiculous. Take Care was cool but the production was what made that album special. Lyrically, he's as repetitive as it gets and an embarrassment to men. Some of his content just makes us look bad. Thank Me Later was a WEAK album though. I just don't know how some of of you guys call this kid lyrically great.
Am I the only one who doesn't include bonus tracks as apart of the album when reviewing it?

Its a Bonus track for a reason.

I do the same

Drake stans are the worst.

I have some kid in my class who claims he better than jay.. :stoneface:

I know some of you have those same sentiments.. :rofl:

looking forward to the album.

From what yall are saying hoping it'll be good

Currently he makes better music than jay

That's not saying much at all. I'm not a Drake fan at all but I would pick "Take Care" of Jay's last 3-4 albums :x
I'd rather hear Z-Ro and Chamillionaire sing than Drake honestly

The slurping in here is ridiculous. Take Care was cool but the production was what made that album special. Lyrically, he's as repetitive as it gets and an embarrassment to men. Some of his content just makes us look bad. Thank Me Later was a WEAK album though. I just don't know how some of of you guys call this kid lyrically great.
You're thinking about it too much, too much, too much, too muuuuccchhhh
Am I the only one who doesn't include bonus tracks as apart of the album when reviewing it?

Its a Bonus track for a reason.
Theyre a part of the album as far as I'm concerned. Bonus tracks are just a label ploy to tack on three dollars to an albums price.
Drake isn't even the first rapper to sing in his raps, Bone Thugs are the ones who put that style in the mainstream, don't get me wrong, it sounds good when he does it but people clearly forget about the originators.
LMAO  Dudes in here saying his content is an embarrassment like the whole RnB genre doesnt even exist smh.

Drake just got it right now point blank.
Drake isn't even the first rapper to sing in his raps, Bone Thugs are the ones who put that style in the mainstream, don't get me wrong, it sounds good when he does it but people clearly forget about the originators.

True. But Drake really get's on his R&B s%@# unlike Bone Thugs who harmonize.
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