09 Boxing Thread:: 12/12 Diaz.vs.Malignaggi HBO/Bradley.vs.Peterson Showtime

LOL and as soon as I say that Nate starts *@$*@!! up Funeka again...he didn't follow that knockdown up though that coudld cost him.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

u guys can stop hyping nate up now

An old man fighting a guy of that height and who's throws that many punches I was pretty impressed by him. He kept going forward even though he was deadtired at the end of rounds.
I wouldn't say Campbell is overhyped since I never hear any ridiculous claims as far as his ability and accomplishments. I think people, including myself,just have a lot of respect for him as a man.

As far as the fights...

The Martinez decision was terrible. 116-110 seems about right.

Funeka is a hell of a fighter and I felt bad for him as he was obviously heartbroken over the decision. Like Nate said, his day will come. I thought Campbelledged the fight since he had those 2 10-8 rounds and the last round was clearly his IMO. Which leaves 9 other rounds up for debate and he would just need 2 tomake it a draw, 3 for the win. 115-111 was a little ridiculous, though.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

u guys can stop hyping nate up now
Mike U been so lost in this thread since De La Pollo got put out to pasture

the whole night was good

I gotta get my @%+ to more boxing with some better seats tho. i was in 2nd section like right behind Nate's Corner

Nate came missed weight on purpose b. Its obvious he didnt put in the right work in his training camp. I never seen him that pudgy or gassed. he was tired byround 4. He knew if he trained like normal, he woulda been sapped and had no power. I think his weight miss was very calculated. Just My opinion. Nate put inthat Body Work. it paid off too. funeka lost 10 - 12 because of it.

I think Allan Green rolls with Nate, Im not sure if it was him but it looked like him. anyone can confirm?

Kermit Cintron, I dont wanna see him fight ever again. He's the worst fighter to have ever held a piece of a world title.
Martinez whupped him.
Martinez, aint nothin special neither.

Winky.Sergio.Pavlik. - Line em up.knock em down Paul.

, is the most heavy handed puncher I seen in a while.( Check his WRAPS
) God he's mad slow tho, but he's technically sound and that makes up for alot.

ooo why no one aint tell me that was the Wak Dirrell Brother fighting on the undercard? I was hyped thinkin it was Big Bro
Come on man, you gotta give Anthony Dirrell a break. He was progressing right along with Andre until he got cancer and had to undergo radiation/chemo. Dude wasinactive for about 2 years before finally getting back in the ring in October.
Originally Posted by TheProfessorOfPugilism

Originally Posted by Proshares

, is the most heavy handed puncher I seen in a while.( Check his WRAPS
Don't even play like that son.
Hey, dude used to spar with Margarito and his camp ALL the time. I wouldn't be surprised if his trainer picked up a couple tricks here and there.

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