'09 Playoffs:Sinong Manok Mo?(not the kind you like tsiken)Vol:Is King James Ready To Take It All?

Sir Charles is my all time favorite. I just could'nt imagine had he conditioned himself the way he did in his MVP season. CedricCeballos was injured that time I really though their gonna beat MJ and the Bulls.

AI is my 2nd favorite despite "practice! were talking about practice?"
that's why I named my son Francis Iverson, sorry for the OT.
Originally Posted by jason16

In the spirit of this year's Nba Finals here's my list of the greatest players that never won it all:

1. Stockton/Malone
2. Elgin Bayor (retired after 9 games in 72'season when La won its first championship in LA) Damn tragic.
3.Charles Barley
4. Patrick Ewing
5. Reggie Miller
6. Dominique Wilkins
7.Steve Nash (2 time mvp, never got to finals)
8.George Gervin/ alex english (Prolific Scorers)
9.Pistol Pete
10.Grant Hill/Tmac/nowitzki/yao/Jkidd/AI/LEBRON

IMO lebron will the the greatest ever depending on the championship won or greatest ever not to win a championship after his career is over.

You can add to the list if i missed someone.

And how many of these players ^ did not win any rings because of his Airness? One thing MJ was also, quite a bane. Not sure about Lebron since he's stillquite young...let's see if Kobe becomes a bane to some of the greats of this generation as well.
Yup!! Pietrus wearing hyperdunks with AF 447...i know its still early too predict but the the way i see it looks like Lakers will be champs this year...
Originally Posted by dako akong otin


Originally Posted by blackmambakb24

LeBron's championship ring is in the making.. watch out.. hahahaha..
Yep.. Just wait when KB hangs it up, Bron will dominate this League..

If the magic can't stop Kobe, then it's over..

and I like it when mark jackson always says " momma there goes that man..!"..

I say "mamba there goes that man.."
^^^Whoa! Thanks dude!!

Didn't saw this in youtube, or maybe di lang ako naghanap ng maigi.
^nice read on howard and bynum. just shows howard's humility and great personality. there's a link also to the LA Times article from where it wasculled from and it was about odom not wanting to leave LA when he becomes a free agent at the end of the season. He said that he liked playing for a great teamand it would take an "incredible offer" from another team for him to leave the lakers.
i think dwight will be better than shaq..shaq is just to much
.shaq is soconceited. wants all the credit.
Originally Posted by jayzprieto23

i think dwight will be better than shaq..shaq is just to much
.shaq is so conceited. wants all the credit.
c'mon man
Just because Shaq's an arrogantinsecure prick doesn't mean Howard will be better than him. Howard doesn't even have that great a post up game. He gets the ball in the block andfaces the basket Patrick Ewing style unless 6'9 Varajao will guard him... then he'll have a post up game. At 23 years old, Shaq was starting todominate already.. I don't even think that Shaq had any 1-6 shooting performances at 23 years old. And this dude was facing triple teams early in hiscareer.

But anyway.. i see no reason why Shaq is posting pics on twitter, talking crap on howard etc..
This is a guy that Dwight looked up to and I don't see where all thisanger came from. Dwight's always been a happy type of person
^^^ Basa nako, bai, Shaq is kind of insecure about his legacy with the Magic.

At the same age of 23, both Shaq and Dwight have carried the Magic team to the NBA Finals, both playing the center position. I think Shaq is trying to blow hisown horn by putting down Dwight. All of a sudden, he wants Kobe to win his 4th Ring and I think he wants the Magic to be swept just like they were swept by theHouston Rockets in the 1995 Finals. If the Magic wins a game or wins it all, that will definitely put Dwight in a better position legacy-wise than Shaq wouldbe as far as their stints in Orlando. I mean, the measure is really WINNING and Shaq never won a game in the Finals when he was with the Magic. That's whyhe does not want this team to win a game too.

It's sad though that he is saying bad things about Dwight when Dwight is actually looking up to him and he is somewhat Dwight's Idol. It is reallyconfusing why he would say such things. I am just as confused as Kareem Abdul Jabbar on this one hehehe

I hope Shaq grows up and just lets things be. He isn't even in the playoffs and he is saying so many insulting things to both Dwight and SVG. That'simmature and uncalled for, not to mention a sign of a deep insecurity. It has somehow made me lose my respect for one of my all time favorite players.

Grow up Shaq and let Dwight be Dwight......He doesn't want to be like Mike, he wants to be like you. Be proud of it!!!
Sad thing is, this is not about Shaq anymore, it's about Kobe vs Dwight, Shaq just needs to keep his name HOT, he's been too prone for injuries, withhis weight and his age, i just hope it doesn't come to a point just like when Pippen offer his services to any team just to get a contract....it's justa matter of acceptance, that Shaq's time is done....
what shaq is doing now, he's "craking" dwight like what he did too with David Robinson, Mourning and Alajuwon and the media is playing along verywell like the way he wanted to...
shaq said in his interview,"the media can hurt you in so many ways" refering to. how the media compares him or ranked him on who's the greatestcenter of all time..just like how the media compare other players to MJ

he said that he's playing the media before the madia can played him and he learned that in high shcool. that way the hype and the expectation and all thosebs wouldn't effect the way he plays both in and out of the court.
shaq, charles and rodman and even mayweather are the best in the business that knows how to play media. they know how to create a diversion before the mediahits them..

like what shaq always says "I'm creating all these hoopla and they are just riding along".
so before the media trash him on his way out of the league. he's hitting first strike.
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