09 Real Deal College Football Discussion/No Homers - Lets geh geh GET IT!

Sherman just genuinely didn't have a clue yesterday. I know Richard Justice for the Chronicle wasn't too stoked when they hired Sherman but he can be adouche in his columns sometimes.
Originally Posted by KingJames23

Originally Posted by dreClark

Florida's receivers are some bums.
_'s been saying that all year. Y'all have no WR's.

UF is undefeated and #1 in every poll that matters with !$*+ WRs. Don't worry about UF, everything will be OK.

this dude
Justice is a UT homer to the fullest extent... Anything he says regarding A&M should be taken with a heavy grain of salt...

That said, something obviously ain't right with Sherman... It'll be interesting to see how this whole thing unfolds... I didn't realize just how$+@-backwards +%*%+% up his hiring was...
Really, the story isn't anything new. We've posted bits and pieces before, sometimes to derision from people who were convinced that Sherman was the right hire for A&M. If you go back and look at the history of A&M football since the 60's, you'll see the same pattern and it's gotten us where we are today. There are lots of moving parts here, so stick with me.

Gene Stallings was a former A&M guy. After they fired him, they brought in a guy from the outside to revive the program. Once the program faltered, they go back inside to Tom Wilson. Then the boosters decide that they need to go to an outside guy to revive the program, bringing in Jackie Sherrill. Jackie didn't kiss their *#%#@ the way they wanted him to, and they started looking for ways to get him out using one of his assistants to throw him under the bus for a wayward FedEx package to a recruit. That assistant kissed the *#%#@ of the boosters the right way and he ended up being the next in line to take over, following the pattern of hiring an A&M guy after hiring an outside guy. Incidentally, RC had a habit of bringing on very talented assistants, including Mike Sherman. When Sherman wasn't named the replacement offensive coordinator, he took the tight ends job at Green Bay. Many felt that the program needed a jolt, so they went outside to hire Franchione who was the hottest coach in America, and that takes us to the story.

Most who know anything about college football can look at tell you that RC was getting whipped every which way possible by the end of his career at A&M. Stoops and Brown both had immediate success, and Mike Leach was starting to recreate college football offenses. The big money guys at A&M decided we needed to go outside once again to boost the program, so they hired Franchione who was thought of as a program builder and an offensive brain. His problem, though, was taht there was a faction of former students who weren't happy with how RC was treated. RC's players were very loyal to him as well, so Franchione's first order of business was to shut out all of the people who he viewed as threats to his power. Thus, he brought in a guy he met who was his personal biographer and a guy who had tons of media connections thru his stint with Sports Illustrated, Mike McKenzie. From the day they hit campus, MicMac took complete control of any and all information that flowed from Texas A&M. Bill Byrne was hired about the same time to rescucitate the rest of the atheletic department (the Melvin Watkins story is a whole other topic), and he saw that Franchione was correct in that he would have to battle the meddling former students who wanted desperately to have a voice but didn't have the money that the really Big Money Ags had. Therefore, he started using MicMac as well as the guy controlling information in and out of the entire athletic department, a PR/propaganda expert so to speak.

McKenzie shut down ALL access to everyone who they viewed as not "one of them", including all of the former players from the RC era. They told former students that access to the program would not be like before, and they had to prove that they would be on board with what was going on if they wanted to have access like they had before.

Then the actual football started, and we saw that the program was in worse shape than anyone knew. 2003 brought us 77-0, and immediately people who were shut out of access began questioning if Franchione was the right guy and that made him even more secretive than before. We were told that the program was in such bad shape that it would take five years to fix. About this time, Byrne was fighting his own war in trying to rebuild years and years of neglect of our facilities and set out to rebuild them using every red cent he could find. The joke that started here was that the motto of "Building Champions" was actually "Building Buildings". MicMac and Fran started a secret club designed to impart "insider info" to certain VIP's, they made them sign an agreement that they not only wouldn't share the info, they wouldn't even acknowledge the existance of the VIP newsletter. I really do think that the pressure got the best of Franchione and he started to slip, but that's a different story as well.

This takes us to the hiring of Sherman. Following the pattern, we were going to go back to a guy who had been here before. By this point, Byrne had leveraged his entire career to improve the facilities at A&M, but had fallen as much as $30million short and was in serious trouble to figure out how to get things in order financially. About this time, a certain group of people who had been completely shut out before got together to hatch a plan to pull the power to themselves. They stayed in contact with Mike Sherman throughout the years and were in a pretty tight circle with him. They approached him to become the coach at A&M, knowing that he would give them the access they wanted and return A&M to how they liked it back in the 90's. Sherman had been in the NFL for over a decade and wasn't too excited about the politics and recruiting that comes with college football, but they told him that it wouldn't be a problem. They were going to bring in one of his former co-workers who would handle all the gladhanding and recruiting, and all he'd have to worry about was football. The problem now was convincing Byrne that this was the way he needed to go.

Using a connected intermediary, they approached Byrne with a plan. They knew he was in the hole financially with no way out, so they told him that they would take care of the downfall in donations but he had to make the hire they wanted. Balking, he stood his ground, reminding the intermediary that he was the AD and in charge, despite the intermediary's connection to the most powerful Aggie in the state.

Byrne had one issue, though...the thing that brought down Franchione (the VIP letters) had a very small distribution. Guess whose names were on that list that was released to the public: Miles Marks, the head of the 12th Man Foundation, and Bill Byrne, who also allowed the VIP author to run his entire PR function and pen his weekly feature on his website. The same thing he used to exterminate Franchione could take him down as well, and Franchione would have the money to exist for a long time. If Byrne played nice, they'd take care of his debt and make sure he got a nice raise to go along with it.

This isn't conspiracy and this isn't sour grapes. Byrne backed himself into a corner and had only one way out and that's where we are today.

Kinda long, but a good look into exactly how the Aggies got where they are right now...
Originally Posted by dreClark

Stanford had a 4* Tight End de-committ and choose Harvard...
How do you choose Harvard over a top-25 team? Like seriously?

Trent Edwards was also knocked out of the Bills game and Fitzpatrick led them to a victory.

Harvard handing Stanford L's left and right.
Originally Posted by Chester McFloppy

Originally Posted by dreClark

Stanford had a 4* Tight End de-committ and choose Harvard...
How do you choose Harvard over a top-25 team? Like seriously?

Trent Edwards was also knocked out of the Bills game and Fitzpatrick led them to a victory.

Harvard handing Stanford L's left and right.

If John P. Lopez was still writing for the Chron he woulda dug in reeeeeeal deep.

I don't think he was ever on board with the hire.
Arguably the best player in the area is done for the season.

Bolles offensive tackle Brent Benedict suffered a major injury to his right knee during Friday night's 68-0 win over Yulee.

The senior tore his ACL and PCL as well as his hamstring and meniscus.

"His whole knee is shot," said Ed Benedict, Brent's father. "We'll know a little more on Monday, when we meet again with the doctors, but it looks like a 12- to 18-month recovery."

The 6-foot-5, 285-pound Benedict was injured as he jogged down the field to celebrate a touchdown.

There was no contact involved.

"It looked like somebody had shot him when he went down," Bolles coach Corky Rogers said. "It seemed to be about as bad as it can get."

Benedict is one of the top recruits in the country.

The Georgia commitment is ranked by Rivals.com as the 41st overall prospect in the nation.

My God


wow, theyre talkin bout his career could be over.
Lets see if Mark Richt and them still keep that scholarship open for him

Looks like Richt is gonna take care of him. the UGA medical staff will be consulting with the Benedict's doctors.
Originally Posted by Weaponry Expert

After Hours...

Whats up with Stanley Havili? is he okay? any word?

Shoulder popped out. They're not sure when he'll be back. They're still waiting to do some additional tests.
sick avy after h0urs, Robert Woods is gonna be Matty B's favorite target and then hopefully George Farmar coming in the year after
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Arguably the best player in the area is done for the season.

Bolles offensive tackle Brent Benedict suffered a major injury to his right knee during Friday night's 68-0 win over Yulee.

The senior tore his ACL and PCL as well as his hamstring and meniscus.

"His whole knee is shot," said Ed Benedict, Brent's father. "We'll know a little more on Monday, when we meet again with the doctors, but it looks like a 12- to 18-month recovery."

The 6-foot-5, 285-pound Benedict was injured as he jogged down the field to celebrate a touchdown.

There was no contact involved.

"It looked like somebody had shot him when he went down," Bolles coach Corky Rogers said. "It seemed to be about as bad as it can get."

Benedict is one of the top recruits in the country.

The Georgia commitment is ranked by Rivals.com as the 41st overall prospect in the nation.
My God


wow, theyre talkin bout his career could be over.
Lets see if Mark Richt and them still keep that scholarship open for him

Do ya'll think the damage was done but it wasn't complete yet so to speak? Like a bridge pounded out and its ready to give way with justone more semi?
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

The senior tore his ACL and PCL as well as his hamstring and meniscus.
My God


wow, theyre talkin bout his career could be over.
Lets see if Mark Richt and them still keep that scholarship open for him
Do ya'll think the damage was done but it wasn't complete yet so to speak? Like a bridge pounded out and its ready to give way with just one more semi?

Definitely. He had to have partial tears all up his leg for that to happen. No one tears 4 muscles jogging down the field. NO ONE. Unlessthey've already torn something, at least partially.

My guess is that he tore his ACL and PCL prior to the game, and then sometime during that game tore his hammy, causing to collapse when he was jogging.I've never actually heard of someone straight TEARING their hamstring, so that's my best guess as to why he collapsed. Pain had to be unbearable.
Who knows when he tore his meniscus... but it was probably when he tore his ACL.
What he should have done was sit out with the injury and just ride the season into his college scholarship.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

The 6-foot-5, 285-pound Benedict was injured as he jogged down the field to celebrate a touchdown.
what the hell....

thats what im sayin "no contact involved" , damn thats a tuff pill to swallow, 12-18 months recovery time and a good chance the scholarship isflushed down the toilet.
No way Mark Richt pulls his scholly.

He would get all sorts of backlash and would never get another Bolles kid again....
Originally Posted by dreClark

No way Mark Richt pulls his scholly.

He would get all sorts of backlash and would never get another Bolles kid again....

Especially since Corky usually sends his kids to places like Wake Forest or Ga Tech.

If I remember correctly Corky's son played at Ga Tech too...
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