09 Real Deal College Football Discussion/No Homers - Lets geh geh GET IT!

Hold up did he really say dat

I gotta go read dis !+$$
Trelvis Tha Thrilla wrote:

Yes, the Mountain West is the best conference in college football.

You lettin those over-exaggerating, roller coaster idiots at ESPN Radio rub off on you my man...
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

STOP IT... The North has been down some, but Nebraska, Missouri, and Kansas are all good programs that are getting better... Colorado will be a good program again when they find a decent coach... The North has four legitimate high-major programs in the division, as many as the entire MWC...

The North is trash. You arent going to convince me that Missouri and Kansas are any better than the Top 5 in the MWC. Nebraska hasnt been relevantfor a while. The Big XII is nothing outside Texas, OU, and occasionally OK State or Tech. And dont act like the bottom of the Big XII isnt bad with Baylor,A&M, Iowas State and Colorado.

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

The MWC wants a bid as it stands, they gotta show better than just TCU, BYU and Utah, because none of those other schools bring anything to the table financially or from a nationally relevant perspective...
So what do the other conferences bring outside their Big 3? The Pac 10 consists of USC and 9 other teams. The Big 10 has Ohio State, Penn State,and Michigan if its a good year and nothing else. The Big East is a complete joke. The Big XII has Texas, OU, and one other and the rest are middle to bottomof the pack. I can go on and on. These other conferences arent putting up more than 3 contenders.

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

And let's be serious... I like this TCU team and said they should have a huge year, but beating Oklahoma and Texas Tech several years ago only goes so far after getting mopped up by Texas and Oklahoma the last two years and choking off games (SMU in 2005
, pounded by BYU/Utah in 2006, getting the crap kicked outta themselves by OU and Utah last year) every time they've been a legitimate BCS threat. They're running outta chances... They're a good program, but as it stands, they're a cut below Utah and BYU. Those guys have done it. TCU continues to get love every year and they continue to fall short. Until TCU actually does it, they don't have a legitimate gripe for anything.

So because TCU lost a conference game in 06 that makes us less legitimate? TCU mopped up BYU last year, does that mean BYU is no longerlegitimate? TCU has beat Utah and BYU. Do you forget that we won this conference the first year we were in it? You act like we haven't beaten Utah or BYUbefore.

And Utah didnt kick the crap out TCU last year. Did you watch the game? The score was 13-10. The frogs should have won the game if they didnt blow 2 field goalchances.

Not making excuses because they have blown it in recent years, just pointing out that you still havent named a legitimate reasons as to why the MWC isnt in theBCS cartel.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Trelvis Tha Thrilla wrote:

Yes, the Mountain West is the best conference in college football.

You lettin those over-exaggerating, roller coaster idiots at ESPN Radio rub off on you my man...

perfect .gif usage.

this guy is really arguing that the MWC is the best conference in all of football.

some people just dont need to talk about sports anymore
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

The MWC is the best conference in football.
shut that dumb %$%# up.
I posted it from an article dumb $#%. It wasnt my opinion.

I posted the whole paragraph because I didnt want to take it out of context and was trying to show these numbers

They had a record of 6-2 against the Pac 10 and a 2-0 against the SEC. The Utes dismantled the second best team in the SEC,Alabama, 31 - 17. The only conference that had the upper hand against this group was the Big 12 at 1 - 3.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Trelvis Tha Thrilla wrote:

Yes, the Mountain West is the best conference in college football.

You lettin those over-exaggerating, roller coaster idiots at ESPN Radio rub off on you my man...

2. ESPN doesnt even support non BCS conferences so I dont know where you are getting that from. They have a clear bias and it shows.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

ESPN doesnt even support non BCS conferences so I dont know where you are getting that from. They have a clear bias and it shows.
A clear bias?
They jock the hell outta the only three thatdeservfe it... BYU, Utah and Boise... They were jocking Hawaii when they were good too...

And I ain't talkin about their opinions of the Mountain West. I'm talkin about their idiot radio personalities locally... Roller coasterover-exaggerating blow hards...
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

The North is trash. You arent going to convince me that Missouri and Kansas are any better than the Top 5 in the MWC. Nebraska hasnt been relevant for a while. The Big XII is nothing outside Texas, OU, and occasionally OK State or Tech. And dont act like the bottom of the Big XII isnt bad with Baylor, A&M, Iowas State and Colorado.

So what do the other conferences bring outside their Big 3? The Pac 10 consists of USC and 9 other teams. The Big 10 has Ohio State, Penn State, and Michigan if its a good year and nothing else. The Big East is a complete joke. The Big XII has Texas, OU, and one other and the rest are middle to bottom of the pack. I can go on and on. These other conferences are putting up more than 3 contenders.

So because TCU lost a conference game in 06 that makes us less legitimate? TCU mopped up BYU last year, does that mean BYU is no longer legitimate? TCU has beat Utah and BYU. Do you forget that we won this conference the first year we were in it? You act like we haven't beaten Utah or BYU before.

And Utah didnt kick the crap out TCU last year. Did you watch the game? The score was 13-10. The frogs should have won the game if they didnt blow 2 field goal chances.

Not making excuses because they have blown it in recent years, just pointing out that you still havent named a legitimate reasons as to why the MWC isnt in the BCS cartel.
Point 1... Missouri and Kansas are more relevant Nationally than anybody in the MWC outside of the top 3... Frankly, I'm not sure TCU evenbelongs with Utah and BYU. Like I said, those guys have done it. TCU hasn't... Baylor right now is better than ANYBODY in the MWC outside of the top 3...Say what you want about Texas A&M and Colorado, but those are schools that have been power programs in the past and still hold FAR more relevancenationally than anybody in the MWC after the top 3, even when they're bad. When they're good, they're superior programs to TCU, BYU, and Utahtoo...

Point 2... Most of the other BCS conferences (Big East excluded) have teams, even in the bottom of their conferences, that bring things to the tablefinancially and historically... Hell, TCU students don't even care about TCU football... I spent a year at TCU, so don't come at me like I don'tknow what I'm taking about... People go to their games to tailgate. That's it. The biggest game they've ever hosted (Texas Tech in 2006), parkinglots were packed but the season was damn near half-full and walk-up tickets available after the first quarter when I got there, and their stadium ain'teven big... TCU brings NOTHING to the table financially... They don't even draw well at home hosting BCS power opponents... I'd damn near guaranteethere are programs at the bottom of every single BCS conference generating more revenue for their conferences than TCU or anybody in the MWC aside from Utahand BYU...

Point 3... TCU is less legitimate than Utah or BYU because they've never done it. What is difficult about that? You can gripe and complain about how theydeserve this and that, but they've never accomplished ANYTHING. Woohoo you won the Mountain West the first year you were there... What since? What gripedoes TCU have about deserving an automatic BCS bid? They've never been left out when they actually deserved it, because they've never warranted one.TCU is hyped at that level every year, and they come up short every single time... This is the best team they've had IMO, so we'll see if they can getit done this year or not...

Utah, Boise State and BYU have a gripe about deserving an automatic bid. The rest of the mid-majors can shut up and move on to something else until theyaccomplish something...

The Mountain West, as a whole, brings NOTHING to the table for the BCS as it's currently constructed... Three good programs that aren't cash cows and 6crappy programs that do nothing for anybody nationally on any level... Not financially, not historically, not current sustained success, not anything...

Adding Boise State as a tenth team would help their cause IMMENSELY... But as it stands as is RIGHT NOW, top-to-bottom they flat out aren't on par withanybody other than the Big East...
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

I'm not sure TCU even belongs with Utah and BYU. Like I said, those guys have done it. TCU hasn't... Baylor right now is better than ANYBODY in the MWC outside of the top 3...

What exactly has BYU done that TCU hasnt? Baylor is trash and will remain so otherwise until they actually make a bowl game.

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Point 2... Most of the other BCS conferences (Big East excluded) have teams, even in the bottom of their conferences, that bring things to the table financially and historically...
So you are saying finances should be a determining factor in a team playing for the National Championship? How about let them decide it on thefield how it is supposed to be. Do I need to give you a history lesson on TCU?

2 National Championships
14 Conference Championships
Some of the greatest to ever play the game in Sammy Baugh, L.T., Davey O'Brian, Bob Lilly...We have trophies named after our players

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Point 3... TCU is less legitimate than Utah or BYU because they've never done it. What is difficult about that? You can gripe and complain about how they deserve this and that, but they've never accomplished ANYTHING. Woohoo you won the Mountain West the first year you were there... What since? What gripe does TCU have about deserving an automatic BCS bid? They've never been left out when they actually deserved it, because they've never warranted one.
Again, what has BYU done that TCU hasnt?

2. TCU would have been in a BCS bowl in 2005 under the current rules, so yes, they have been left out when they deserved it.

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Hell, TCU students don't even care about TCU football... I spent a year at TCU, so don't come at me like I don't know what I'm taking about... People go to their games to tailgate. That's it. The biggest game they've ever hosted (Texas Tech in 2006), parking lots were packed but the season was damn near half-full and walk-up tickets available after the first quarter when I got there, and their stadium ain't even big...
And, if you want to bring up attendance, then you should also mention that TCU has 8,000 students, that's it. Its not one of these huge stateuniversities that has 40,000-50,000 students that can fill 70% of their stadium. It has been show that TCU has just as good of percentage of student turn outsas any other school. Our living alumni could barely fill our stadium if every single person were to come back.
Could Georgia Start the yr 0-3 ???

Sep. 5 at OK State L 10-24
Sep. 12 South Carolina 7:00pm
Sep. 19 at Arkansas 7:45pm
10 yrs - tons of Talent, one SEC Title (I think)
HowLong is Mark Richt's leash?
Could Georgia Start the yr 0-3 ???

After you posted up the big games of the weekend I started to think this was a possibility but I just wasnt all that impressed with South Carolina last week. This isnt to say that I was impressed with Georgia against Okie State but I think the disparity between Georgia's defensive talent vs. South Carolina'soffensive talent is too great.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

What exactly has BYU done that TCU hasnt? Baylor is trash and will remain so otherwise until they actually make a bowl game.

So you are saying finances should be a determining factor in a team playing for the National Championship? How about let them decide it on the field how it is supposed to be. Do I need to give you a history lesson on TCU?

2 National Championships
14 Conference Championships
Some of the greatest to ever play the game in Sammy Baugh, L.T., Davey O'Brian, Bob Lilly...We have trophies named after our players
What does Baylor making a bowl have to do with them being a better team RIGHT NOW than any of the bottom 6 in the Mountain West?

And I'm saying finances and $$$$$$ are what the BCS is about, and whether you like it or not, it plays a factor. It's the main factor... Want a bid? What can you do for the BCS... That's how corporate America works, that's how College Footballworks... I'm not sayin it's right, but it is what it is.

I thought BYU had made a BCS game... Misremembering I guess, so scratch them... Utah and Boise have legitimate gripes. Undefeated seasons capped off with BCSBowl wins... They can gripe...

What does TCU's history have anything to do with anything? Even still, TCU is a small private school that doesn't have the funding, the resources, thefan support or the national appeal that some of the bottom-feeders in the BCS conferences have... But that's beside the point, we're not arguingthat... You said the bottom of the Mountain West was as good as everywhere else in the country, that's what I was referring to and you know damn well itis... It's not true. It's ******ed to suggest so. What history do the bottom feeders in the Mountain West have? What national appeal do they have? Whatdo they do for anybody financially? Not a damn thing compared to schools like Nebraska, Colorado, Texas A&M, Iowa, Arkansas, Auburn, Tennessee, Washingtonand UCLA...

Like it or not, the way things are currently constructed (both the MWC and BCS), the Mountain West does nothing for that system... Add Boise State, make theleague deeper and more competitive at the top, and it makes sense...
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

What do they do for anybody financially? Not a damn thing compared to schools like Nebraska, Colorado, Texas A&M, Iowa, Arkansas, Auburn, [color= rgb(255, 102, 0)]Tennessee,[/color] Washington and UCLA...
tha hell you talkin bout. Tennessee aint no bottom-feeder.

UT got 1 bad year & now they are a bottom-feeder. bunch of nonsense

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Could Georgia Start the yr 0-3 ???

Sep. 5 at OK State L 10-24
Sep. 12 South Carolina 7:00pm
Sep. 19 at Arkansas 7:45pm
10 yrs - tons of Talent, one SEC Title (I think)
How Long is Mark Richt's leash?
Two SEC titles and another Sugar Bowl. 10 wins every year except two and one of those seasons he had 9 wins. He is fine right now. Although hisassistants might be on the hot seat.
Its Bray Day for the Vols
Austin Price
VolQuest.com Staff Writer


After months of speculation and debate, Tennessee finally has its quarterback for the 2010 recruiting class. Four-star signal-caller and Kingburg,Calif., native TylerBray made things official on Tuesday morning when he de-committed from San Diego State and gave his verbal pledge toLane Kiffin and the Vols.

"SEC is the big powerhouse for football," Bray said. "Tennessee football is religion. You can't really beat that. It was all fun. It wascrazy. I don't think I could pick one highlight (from his weekend visit to the Vols' opener). If I had to pick one it would be watching the team runthrough the 'T.' Seeing coach (Ed) Orgeron getting the team pumped up gave me chills. It was awesome."

The Vols staff did an excellent job of displaying their product over the weekend, but Kiffin and crew can thank the orange-clad faithful for an assist. TheTennessee fans really helped push the Vols over the top with their dedication to the program.

"The fans," Bray said. "The people eat, breath, and sleep football at Tennessee. That's the way I am and that's what I want to bearound. I don't know how many times that I walked around and people were yelling at me that they needed me. It was nuts."

And when Bray finally told the Volunteer staff that he would be spending the next four or five years with them, they were naturally pretty pleased.

"(Kiffin) was excited," Bray said. "They were all excited. Coach (Ed) Orgeron, coach (David) Reaves, they were all pumped, and so am I."

Now Bray turns his attention to the classroom where he hopes to finish Kingsburg High School in December and enroll at Tennessee in January. He knows that iskey to him seeing playing time in the fall of 2010.

"It's big," Bray said of becoming a mid-term enrollee. "The biggest thing is getting big enough to play right away and learning the offense.The SEC is all about big hits and I'm at 200 (pounds), but I want to get to 220 by next fall. I'm trying to get that big this fall, but definitely bynext fall."

While Bray travelled back to California on Sunday, his father stayed behind to look at the possibility of moving the entire Bray family to Knoxville once Tylergraduates high school.

"They want to be able to watch me play," Bray said. "My family loves football. They aren't going to send me out here just to watch football.They want to watch."

The entire Bray family was blown away by the weekend in Knoxville and that's a big reason Tyler made a quick decision once he arrived back in the GoldenState.

"My parents were in shock," Bray said. "Football in California is a lot different. Football isn't a religion out here. It's huge downthere. They could not believe how things were there. They loved it."

Bray has been back in school for almost a month. He hasn't played his first football game yet, but his season begins this Friday. Getting the decision overwith before the season begins is huge for not only Bray, but his coach and team.

"I can set down and concentrate on my senior year," Bray said. "I don't want to have to think about recruiting again. I want to have a bigyear and get focused on football."

Bray was recruited by Tennessee commitment MarkeithAmbles over the past few weeks and now Bray says he'll join Ambles on the recruiting trail.

"Whatever I can do to help," Bray said. "That's what I'm going to do."

Rivals.com rates Bray as a 4-star quarterback in the class of 2010 and the No. 6 pro-style quarterback.

Originally Posted by EB14

tha hell you talkin bout. Tennessee aint no bottom-feeder.

UT got 1 bad year & now they are a bottom-feeder. bunch of nonsense

Bro, you know what I'm saying... Teams at the bottom of BCS Conferences RIGHT NOW... How isn't that clear?
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by EB14

tha hell you talkin bout. Tennessee aint no bottom-feeder.

UT got 1 bad year & now they are a bottom-feeder. bunch of nonsense

Bro, you know what I'm saying... Teams at the bottom of BCS Conferences RIGHT NOW... How isn't that clear?
i assumed that the laughing emoticons would have conveyed my sarcasm.

but i definitely get what you're saying. & i agree with it
Not to interupt all the conversation about the WAC, but I'm lookin for a freind of mine. Goes by the name of Exile. Ya'll seen him?

Dude has taken to his SN and literally gone just that since I questioned him for sayin stupid @#$% all the time.

Anyone got a milk carton or anything so I can get the word out? Someone help me out with that? .........

Originally Posted by EB14

i assumed that the laughing emoticons would have conveyed my sarcasm.

but i definitely get what you're saying. & i agree with it
My bad... Just using teams that are down right now tomake a point, and since he threw around Wyoming beating UTk, I used them as an example... Tennessee is NOT Wyoming. Colorado is NOT Colorado State. Nebraska,Iowa, Auburn and Texas A&M aren't New Mexico, UNLV, SDSU and Air Force.

There's a clear line between teams currently at the bottom of every BCS conference (aside from the Big East, which I won't even argue) and the bottomof the Mountain West... I'm just tryin to say regardless of CSU beating Colorado or Wyoming beating UTk, it's a clear difference that my man clearlyain't getting or just flat out ignoring... But what can you do? *shrugs*
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by EB14

i assumed that the laughing emoticons would have conveyed my sarcasm.

but i definitely get what you're saying. & i agree with it
My bad... Just using teams that are down right now to make a point, and since he threw around Wyoming beating UTk, I used them as an example... Tennessee is NOT Wyoming. Colorado is NOT Colorado State. Nebraska, Iowa, Auburn and Texas A&M aren't New Mexico, UNLV, SDSU and Air Force.

There's a clear line between teams currently at the bottom of every BCS conference (aside from the Big East, which I won't even argue) and the bottom of the Mountain West... I'm just tryin to say regardless of CSU beating Colorado or Wyoming beating UTk, it's a clear difference that my man clearly ain't getting or just flat out ignoring... But what can you do? *shrugs*
i agree. those trash #$# teams at the bottom of the MWC would bring nothing to the table for the BCS.
I can't believe you Nowitness. You are trying to knocks some sense into this dude.

You make some great points, dude refuses to see them.

Frankly the MWC doesn't have enough of a history, at least the hot teams at the moment, to warrant such recognition. Utah just became relevant thisdecade. BYU is the only school with some success outside of this century. TCU has been respectable, but lately they have been folding like a lawn chair.

The only gripe the MWC has is that it is better than the Big East, yet it is a BCS conference.

The Big East doesn't have any tradition rich Football Program. Not even a former powerhouse in the mix, that is currently in the dumps. Talk all youwant about the Big XII North, at the end of the day, Nebraska is still Nebraska.

The MWC shouldn't be a BCS Conference. The Big East shouldn't either, they are lucky that the current system was drawn up while Miami, VTech and BCwere still in the Big East.
OU's Gresham Out For Season

NORMAN, Okla. -- Sports Xtra's Mark Rodgers has confirmed that University of Oklahoma tight end Jermaine Gresham is out for the season.Gresham injured hisknee during a practice before the Sooners' 14-13 loss to Brigham Young in Dallas. He did not play in the game.The Oklahoma tight end returned to the teamfor his senior season.Stay tuned to KOCO.com for further details.
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