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Oct 15, 2000


Coming out of Hell in a Cell, the landscape of WWE has definitely changed.  Let's take a quick look at last night's card:

-Daniel Bryan d The Miz and John Morrison with the Labell Lock in a Submissions Count Anywhere Match to retain the United States Championship.  It was a solid opener with good action, but making this a submission match with two guys who don't have submissions took away from it.  Plus, I don't need to see Morrison doing his wacky gymnastics all over the arena. ***1/2
-Randy Orton d Sheamus in a Hell in a Cell match to retain the WWE Championship.  This was a slow and plodding match that dragged until the end.  The last few minutes were good, but these guys don't work well together because both have a slow, unexciting style.  There was no purpose of having this match in the Cell.  ***
-Edge d jack Swagger.  Edge as a face sucks.  I don't know why they felt the need to try and turn him again, because it never works.  This match had no heat.  It was a basic TV match.  Not PPV quality.  **
-Wade Barrett d John Cena for John Cena to join The Nexus.  I really liked this match. It had a ton of heat, and Cena did a good job of carrying Barrett to a good match.  I usually complain about over worked finishes, but it should make sense here since it looks like Husky Harris and McGuillicutty are joining The Nexus. ***3/4
-Natayla d Michelle McCool via DQ.  This was one of the best Divas matches we've seen in ages.  Unfortunately the finish came when Layla threw her shoe in the ring causing McCool to get disqualified but keep the title.  **
-Kane d The Undertaker to retain the World Title.  This was the worst WWE main event match in ages.  Taker just doesn't have it anymore, and Kane never did.  Add to the fact that once Paul Bearer got involved, everything turned to slow motion, it was painful to watch.  I really don't want this program to continue.  Worst match of the night, and it closed the show.  *1/2.

I would give this show a 6/10.  It was fine and noteworthy, but the dud of a main event really brought it down.

I also took two important things out of this show outside of the matches themselves.  First, like I've said before, forcing gimmick matches because it's that time of year kills the gimmick match.  There was no reason for either of the matches last night to take place inside the Hell in a Cell.  Second, Hell in a Cell needs to be dropped in the PG WWE world.  The lack of blood and violence kills these matches and makes the Cell pointless.  The Cell didn't come into play in either of the matches.  The announcers kept telling us how dangerous the Cell was.  Well, we never got to see it.

As I said, things are about to get very interesting in WWE.  Cena being forced to join The Nexus is the biggest move in literally years in WWE.  There are a million ways this one could play out.  WWE could turn this into a MAJOR money angle if done correctly.  However, if they have jokey Cena making fun of The Nexus every week until he leaves the group by the next PPV, then it was a complete waste, and only served to bury The Nexus once and for all.  If I were booking WWE, here's what I would do which is a guaranteed huge money program.
-First and most importantly, this angle cannot be rushed.  This should be a long program, going all the way through WrestleMania.
-Barrett forces Cena to be The Nexus's enforcer.
-Cena carries out the task of attacking faces and authority figures in WWE against his will.
-Cena never once cuts a joking promo about The Nexus or any type of overly scripted promo.  Cena should be virtually silent during this time, just using facials to show his disapproval of the acts he's being forced to commit.
-Around The Royal Rumble, Cena finally has his opportunity to gain his freedom from The Nexus.  When he has the chance, he turns, and reveals he has been the leader of The Nexus the entire time.
-This will then set up a huge WrestleMania main event with Cena facing any of the following: The Undertaker, HHH, Randy Orton.

Unfortunately, I just can't see WWE doing an angle that lasts more than 3 weeks.  It will be a real shame, because I just see this concluding with Cena breaking out of The Nexus and burying them all.

As for everything else tonight, it's being reported that The Bragging Rights teams will take shape tonight.  As I've said earlier, I have zero interest in the Bragging Rights PPV.  They advertise it as the one time a year that the Raw roster battles the Smackdown roster.  Except for the fact that they switch shows every other week.

I'd be shocked if we see Orton vs Sheamus again.  The match wasn't great last night.  Maybe they move onto the rumored Orton and Miz program.

I have no idea what they're doing with John Morrison.  Goofy jumping will only get you so far.  He desperately needs a heel turn.

I would guess Daniel Bryan is done with The Miz.  Does he face Alex Riley next?  I don't know who else fits into the US Title picture.

Rhodes and McIntyre were completely buried on Smackdown.  Maybe they can get buried again tonight.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

If I were booking WWE, here's what I would do which is a guaranteed huge money program.

-First and most importantly, this angle cannot be rushed.  This should be a long program, going all the way through WrestleMania.
-Barrett forces Cena to be The Nexus's enforcer.
-Cena carries out the task of attacking faces and authority figures in WWE against his will.
-Cena never once cuts a joking promo about The Nexus or any type of overly scripted promo.  Cena should be virtually silent during this time, just using facials to show his disapproval of the acts he's being forced to commit.
-Around The Royal Rumble, Cena finally has his opportunity to gain his freedom from The Nexus.  When he has the chance, he turns, and reveals he has been the leader of The Nexus the entire time.
-This will then set up a huge WrestleMania main event with Cena facing any of the following: The Undertaker, HHH, Randy Orton.
Hey I could %!@+ with this 4dub
That's solid.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I have no idea what they're doing with John Morrison.  Goofy jumping will only get you so far.  He desperately needs a heel turn.
and finally monday night raw in my hometown. be lookin out for me with the NT sign 
lol.. yeah i can't wait to see if they take advantage of this angle or just throw it away, that's what i'm looking foward to
So this means, Alex Riley, Husky Harris, & Michael McGillicutty all have bigger roles and angles on Raw. Yet Kaval is on Smackdown losing.
4w in your scenario what would happen to barrett? cena kicks him out turning wade face or what? or would there be some sort of power struggle with cena the top dog of nexus and barrett second in command, slowly turning him face? i personally like barrett heel so i dunno

-Cena never once cuts a joking promo about The Nexus or any type of overly scripted promo. Cena should be virtually silent during this time, just using facials to show his disapproval of the acts he's being forced to commit.

i like this. have cena forced to molly whoop someone like evan or anyone else who hes friends with. then as the match is over and john is about to check on evan (or whoever) to see if hes ok/help him up, nexus interrupts him and does all their finishers on evan (or whoever) with cena looking on in dismay. edit - although this is prolly what will really happen
cena will cost the nexus a match, im guessin survivor series

barett vs orton, cena causes barett the title
Watching Ring of Honor on HDNet for the first time.  AWESOME.  I finally have wrestling to look forward to on Monday nights 

It's amazing seeing these guys who would NEVER get a legit shot in WWE
- WWE has informed ticket holders for the November 29 edition of WWE RAW in Philadelphia, Pa. that it will be a three-hour show.

Advertising issued to ticket holders also hypes that the Triple Threat match between Randy Orton, John Cena, and Sheamus for the WWE Championship will be “nationally televised.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

- WWE has informed ticket holders for the November 29 edition of WWE RAW in Philadelphia, Pa. that it will be a three-hour show.

Advertising issued to ticket holders also hypes that the Triple Threat match between Randy Orton, John Cena, and Sheamus for the WWE Championship will be “nationally televised.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

-First and most importantly, this angle cannot be rushed.  This should be a long program, going all the way through WrestleMania.
-Barrett forces Cena to be The Nexus's enforcer.
-Cena carries out the task of attacking faces and authority figures in WWE against his will.
-Cena never once cuts a joking promo about The Nexus or any type of overly scripted promo.  Cena should be virtually silent during this time, just using facials to show his disapproval of the acts he's being forced to commit.
-Around The Royal Rumble, Cena finally has his opportunity to gain his freedom from The Nexus.  When he has the chance, he turns, and reveals he has been the leader of The Nexus the entire time.
-This will then set up a huge WrestleMania main event with Cena facing any of the following: The Undertaker, HHH, Randy Orton.

That's the most important part right there...
I agree with all of that, as well as some of the other things others have mentioned in here. I really, really hope WWE goes in a similar path with Cena and Nexus. He can still be a face and play along with a heel group it has worked in the past... I want WWE to go the extra mile with this too, I'm talking about Cena's bio page having links to Nexus WWEShop.com having Nexus stuff for sale on Cena's page and Cena stuff on Nexus' page, yeah it seems a little much but little things like that, can make this program be absolutely awesome. However. like 4w said, I sadly think this will end very, very soon w/ Cena taking out Nexus one by one.
or could we see all 8 members of nexus be split at some point

4 heel nexus (barrett, tarver, henning, harris) vs 4 cenexus (cena, gabriel, otunga, slater)
Originally Posted by Physicx

4w in your scenario what would happen to barrett? cena kicks him out turning wade face or what? or would there be some sort of power struggle with cena the top dog of nexus and barrett second in command, slowly turning him face? i personally like barrett heel so i dunno

-Cena never once cuts a joking promo about The Nexus or any type of overly scripted promo. Cena should be virtually silent during this time, just using facials to show his disapproval of the acts he's being forced to commit.

i like this. have cena forced to molly whoop someone like evan or anyone else who hes friends with. then as the match is over and john is about to check on evan (or whoever) to see if hes ok/help him up, nexus interrupts him and does all their finishers on evan (or whoever) with cena looking on in dismay. edit - although this is prolly what will really happen
I don't see any reason that Barrett and Cena couldn't co-exist, at least for the beginning.  Barrett could be the creator, and Cena is the leader.  Eventually you have one turn on the other, but that's so far down the line, it could go a million different ways.  I would just focus for now on once Cena turns heel, then Nexus actually becomes the most dominant force since the NWO.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

or could we see all 8 members of nexus be split at some point

4 heel nexus (barrett, tarver, henning, harris) vs 4 cenexus (cena, gabriel, otunga, slater)

It's Cena vs. the rest of them...no one is gonna care about Nexus as faces (ESPECIALLY Otunga...dude is a natural heel).
I'm watching a full Tyler Black match for the first time.  If WWE doesn't screw him up (yeah right...), I think he could be a major star.  He has the look and all the talent in the world.  I've read he's much better as a heel with his promos than as a babyface, so hopefully they don't bring him in as some geek babyface.  Also, hopefully they don't put him on NXT (if the show continues).

And of course, a name other than Seth Rollins wouldn't hurt either....
Is that it for Husky and McGuillicutty?  Cole couldn't have been more 'matter-of-fact' about it.  I mean, it kind of was a big deal last night....

How's Cena still gonna be wearing his awful lakers gear?
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